John McNabb of Caldwell County Kentucky
Revolutionary War Pension File
SC John McNabb S16466
6458 Kentucky
John McNabb of Caldwell in the State of Kentucky who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Byers of the Regt commanded by Col Neal in the S Carolina line for 6 months.
Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of 20 dollars - cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March 1834.
Certificate of Pension issued the 2nd day of March 1833 and sent to Hon C Lyon.
Arrears to 4th of Sept 1832. 30.00
Semi-anl allowance ending 4 Mar 1833 10.00
Revolutionary Claim
Act June 7 1832
Recorded by Jno D Wilson Clerk
Book D vol 9 Page 51
State of Kentucky
Caldwell County
On the first day of October 1832 personally appeared before John W Marshall a justice of the peace for Caldwell County and one of the justices of the county court of said county which is a court of record, John McNabb a resident of said county and state aged eighty four years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of congress passed June 7th 1832 – That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. That he was drafted into service in Camden District South Carolina in the year 1779 about the first of February for a tour of duty of two months and ?? under Captain William Byers, Major Ross, Col. Thomas Neal and the brigade was commanded by General Andrew Williamson, and was at the battle of Bryan Creek in Georgia and was discharged at General Williamson headquarters near Augusta Georgia – That he volunteered in November after the fall of Charleston and served a tour of duty against the British and ?? of about one month and was attached to Captain Hanna & Company, Col Wm Bratton, ?? Lieutenant was Samuel Stevens. I again volunteered in the April following under the same company officers and was at the surrender of Fort Gran and the Cong?? River and was discharged some time in the June following having been in service about two months. That he again thereafter entered the service about the first of February under John Hood Lieutenant and Capt Adam Meek and was stationed at orringbuogh?? South Carolina until sometime in April when he was dismissed(?) the service. The last ?? tours of service was performed under the command of General Sumter. That he never had written discharges and if he did they are lost that he had no documentary evidence of service and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service – That he was born in the year 1748. That he had a record of his age, ut it is now in the state of Tennessee. That he was born in the State of Pennsylvania, that he was living in South Carolina at the time he was called into service and that he had lived in South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky ?? the Revolutionary war, that he was drafted or classed then volunteered and was afterwards classed or drafted and that he did not serve as a substitute. That he knew General Gates and General Green; That he is known to Ma?? Abraham Boyd and his son and many others in his present neighborhood who can testify as to his character, veracity and their belief in his services as a soldier of the Revolution.
?? relinquishes any claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his ?? is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
[signed] John McNabb
[Affidavit by William McNabb and Benjamin Essman of Caldwell County as John McNabb being “eighty four years of age; that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood….” 1st October 1832 ]
Pension document:
File No. 16466
Pri Rev War
Act: June 7th 32
Index – Vol A Page 248
$20 per anum; signed Hon. C. Lyon
[a TYPED whiny letter from the war department: ]
War Department
Pension Office
February 26th 1833
I return herewith the papers in support of the claim of the person whose name is hereto annexed..
These papers are in several respects defective. The case is accompanied by a brief. The objections are contained in the negative answers, in red ink, given to the questions.
Partiuclar attention whold be paid to the explanatory notes subjoined to the brief.
The extraordinary press of business in this office, arising from the great number of claims under the act of June 7, 1832, has hitherto prevented us from attending to the applications sent by you. The investigation of the cases presented under this law has been difficult and laborious, and notwithstanding the greatest exertions have been made by this Department, an earlier attention to your business has been found impracticable.
The brief has been prepared to meet all cases, and thus to save the excessive labor which would otherwise be imposed unpon the office, and which would consume so much time as to render the delay two fold greater than it now is in the investigation of claims and writing letters. Each case is considered correct in all respects except in relation tho those questions to which a negative answer is affixed. No other alteration or addition will be required.
I am, respectfully
Your obedient servant,
J L Edwards
Hon. C Lyon
House of Representatives
John McNabb
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