Thursday, April 10, 2008

John Huey of Caldwell County Kentucky

John Huey of Caldwell County Kentucky

Revolutionary War Pension Record
John Huey, Penn. S31151

John Huey of Caldwell County in the State of Kentucky who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Schonover in the regiment command by Col Stroud in the Pennsylvania line for 11 months.

Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of 36 dollars 66 cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March 1831.

Certificate of Pension issued the 8 day of January 1833 and Thomas Haynes Princeton

Arrears to the 4th of Sept 91.67
Semi-anl allowance ending 4 March 18.33
Revolutionary Claim
Act June 7, 1832
Recorded by Dan Boyd Clerk
Book E Vol 7 Page 21

Certificate – sent back for correction and new on ?? John Huey instead of ??? sent to H? C Lyon HR G?? 1834

No. 20960
John Hughey Caldwell county Kentucky
From 1775/6 private 11 month $36.66/100

Brief of John Hughey
Declaration before a court
77 years old
Volunteer 2 months in 1775 private with Capt Schoonover
Drafted 1776 3 years Private Capt Schoonover Col Stroud
Battles: I know his with the Indians
Where reside when entered service: Northampton Co PA

State of Kentucky Caldwell County
On this 18th day of November 1833 personally appeared in open court before James C Weller, James A Cartwright and William L Lander justices of the county court of said county, now sitting, John Huey resident of said county and state, aged seventy nine years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of congress, passed June 7th 1832: That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated: That on or about the 1st day of July 1776 in the county of Northampton State of PennsylvaniaI was drafted in the militia of that state for a tour of two months against the Brittish in New Jersey. Four were drafted out of my company – and we marched to Amboy under Captain Schoonover (Burja) and Lieutenant not recollected. On our arrival at Amboy, we were placed on the regiment commanded by a colonel whose name I have fforgotten. The Brittish at the time were stationed in Staten Island and for some days firing was continuous across the river. Our regiment with other militia was stationed to guard the town of Amboy as the enemy was expected to attack the place. During our stay at Amboy, the battle of Long Island was fought and Fort Washington was taken by the enemy. The regiment to which I belonged was not at Long Island, having been ordered to remain at Amboy to guard the place against an attack. After serving the two months for which I was drafted I was regularly discharged about the first of September 1776 together with the balance of the Pennsylvania militia. From this time to 1778 there was no further call for troops from Northampton County. In June 1777 the massacre at Wyoming had created considerable alarm in that part of Pennsylvania and early in 1778 I moved to Stroud’s fort where the most of the militia of the country and inhabitants had collected for defense and protection. The militia were organized under the command of Colonel Strode and performed various tours against the Indians. In the month of July 1778 I volunteered under the same Captain Schoonover at Tish, from this fort in our expedition against the Delaware’s and Shawnees on the frontiers. Col Strode had the command in this expedition which was for the term of six months and which was fully performed and we were discharged on Christmas day following. During this time the Indians were exceedingly troublesome on the frontiers, and the troops under Strode were all the time actively engaged in scouring and guarding the country against them. In the month of May 1779 I was appointed a spy by Col Strode and continued to perform that office for the term of three months. I will not pretend enumerate the duties and hardships and dangers I encountered while acting as spy – they were many and perilous. After this I remained in the fort under Stroud and Schoonover but performing no particular service as the danger had nearly ceased until January 1780 when I moved to a fort on the Susquehanna at a place called Wyoming, where I performed several short tours of duty but they are not worth mentioning. This is the sum and substance of my service. I will mention that just before the battle of Long Island, there was a general review of the troops at Amboy by the general officers and the day before the battle two companies of light infantry were ordered from Amboy to long Island.
I declare that I have no documentary evidence now in my possession which would prove my service having long since lost my discharge and I do not know of any person now living with whom I served and who could prove my service which was as a private soldier.
I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and I declare that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state or territory whatever.

1. I was born in the county of New Castle Delaware on the 14th day of October 1754
2. Record of birth: I have in a family Bible at home
3. I was living in Northampton County Pennsylvania when I was called into service – after the war I moved into North Carolina and lived there several years; then to the state of Indiana, then to this county where I have lived for the last 19 years.
4. I was drafted in the expedition to Amboy but was a volunteer in all the rest of my service.
5. Being stationed at Amboy in my first expedition amongst militia, while the regular troops were towards Long Island, I did not become acquainted with any regular officers except some general officers and those principally from hearing them talked of. My other service was amongst militia and on the frontier where no regulars served.
6. I received written discharges from Capt Schoonover for all my service except as a spy and that was given me by Col Stroud
7. Rev. John Barnett, Eli Nichols, James A Cartwright Esq, James Perry, Malichi A Pickering, Wm King, James Glass, Nathaniel Rochester, Peter Watterfield and Cader Mitchell and others are my neighbors all of whom would testify so much for me.
Sworn to and transcribed the day and year aforesaid. [signed] John Huey

[affidavit from John Barnett, a clergyman, James Cook, Wm G Dillingham.]
[Memo from Chittenden Lyon to correct the spelling of John Hughey or Hewey instead of John Hughes 4 Mar 1834]

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