Names and companies listed in this set of pages follows:
Page 80 Indenture of Release; Names and companies listed: J. U. Kevil, Illinois Central Railroad Company, Chicago-St Louis & New Orleans Railroad Company, Frank Thomas, Jackson Garner, Gus Grooms, U. S. King, W. E. Crumbaugh, E. H. James.
Page 81 Power of Attorney; Names and companies listed: Edward Garrett, First National Bank, M. P. Molloy, Commonwealth Life Ins Co, U. S. King, Lena L. King, R. M. Pool.
Page 81 (also) Power of Attorney; Names and companies listed: William Marble, M. P. Molloy, Mary W. Todd, Sereno E. Todd, E. H. James, John W. Hall, John B. Hall, U. S. King.
Page 82 Deed of Release and Power of Attorney; Names listed: W. B. Ray, Mrs. Ruth V. Ray, Sallie E. Riley, Brisk Hotel, U. S. King, T. H. Byrd.
Page 83 & 84 Land line dispute/agreement; Names and companies listed: S. R. Glenn, M. A. Molloy, Braswell Hotel, Lillian M. Braswell, R. B. Leonard, Eddyville Ferry, R. S. Lander?, W. P. Hawkins, Mrs. Mattie Armstrong, E. L. Gresham, Mrs. Molloy, Mrs. M. A. Molloy, U. S. King,
Page 85 Indenture of release; Names and companies listed: John Jordan, Illinois Central Railroad Co, Chicago-St Louis & New Orleans Railroad Co, Levi Oliver, Sarah Oliver, Pearl Jordan, E. H. James, U. S. King.
Page 86 Power of Attorney; Names listed: J. H. Reed, P. S.? Reed, W. H. Rogers?, T. P. Gray.
Page 87 Power of Attorney, Names listed: Mrs. Cora H. Duncan, Dr. E. M. Duncan, M. P. Molloy, Mrs. Ellen Holloway, R. S. Mason?, J. H. Holloway, E. D. Martin, W. H. Rogers.
Page 88 Widow renouncing provision of will; Names listed: Adeline Waddell, T?. W. Georges Waddell, George D. Sexton, Homer Marshall, Georges T.? W. Waddell, Milton W. Mathews, ?. P. Molloy, W. H. Rogers.
Page 89 Power of attorney; Names and companies listed: Ida K. Coleman, R. S. Mason, Will Castelberry, Citizens Bank, Joe Lamruscharpht? , W. H. Rogers.