Thursday, October 30, 2008

MARIA RICE - Pages 44-45 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 44
Special Term
State of Kentucky    ] SCT          State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court                    Dec 24th, 1892
Maria Rice                    ] Lunatic

This day W W Martin, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
    I am reliably informed that Maria Rice of color is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

W W Martin County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That T J Watkins Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit:  Wm Morrison, F H Molloy, M D Malloy, J S Mathis, F M Wadlington, D H Franks, J C Terrell, G M Champion, J A Malloy, F M Bowman and Dr. A Callaway

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Maria Rice is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown that she was born in Lyon Co., and resides in Lyon Co. and is 50 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; that her father is dead and mother is alive and resides in Eddyville, Ky and has not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Maria Rice is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Maria Rice is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and J F Cluch(?) is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 45

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - supposed to be 50 yrs old
   (b) Occupation - House wife
   (c) Married or Single - widow
   (d) Habits - good
   (e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none known of
3.(a) Date of first attack - 8 to 10 years ago
   (b) How exhibited - wild, roving over neighborhood
   (c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - no
4.(a) Supposed cause - unknown
   (b) Any peculiar illusions and what - religion
   (c) Subject to fits. no          How long - 
        From what cause - 
   (d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
   (b) Violence toward others - has threatened neighbors
6.Periodic frenzy - continuous
7.(a) Restraint imposed - no
   (b) Treatment used - unknown
   (c) Bleeding - don't kow
8. Injury about head - none

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

BILLY MANNAN - Pages 42-43 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 42
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court November 25, 1892
Billy Mannan ] Lunatic

This day W W Martin Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon.W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Billy Mannan is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

W W Martin County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That D B Cassidy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial. Billy Mannan

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: D M Smith, W M Bowman, M P Malloy, James Boyd, J L James Jr, W T Smith, G H Calloway, B F Groves, John Brock, L M Thomas, L C Duke and W E Crumbaigh

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Billy Mannan is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown to us that he was born in Bowling Green, Ky, and resides in asylum at Hopkinsville, Ky and is -- years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is alive and mother is alive and reside in Bowling Green, Ky and they/he/she has/have not have no estate so far as we know or can find out - sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Billy Mannan is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Billy Mannan is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Lewis Thomas is appointed to convey him/her to said asylum and he is allowed -- guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 43 [note from Debbie: There was no information entered in this page for Billy Mannan]

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age -
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single -
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated -
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause -
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others -
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

JOSEFU SCHACHEMERMIER - Pages 40-41 Lyon County Ky Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 40
Special Term
State of Kentucky    ] SCT          State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court                     November 7th, 1892
Josefu Schachermier                    ] Lunatic

This day F A Wilson, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
    I am reliably informed that Mrs Josefu Schachermier is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit:  W P Malloy, J F Rice, W W Thacker, T G Jones, B F Smith, S D Ennis, L N Cash, T H Malloy, M T Boughter, M B Lewis, John Armstrong and T W Tinsley

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mrs Josefu Schachermier  is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is thought to be result of some form of female disease that she was born in Austria, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 44 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns  no estate of any kind; that her father is dead and mother dead s and said Josefu Schachermier  is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mrs Josefu Schachermier  is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and D B Withers is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed 1 guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 41

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 44 years
   (b) Occupation - farmers wife
   (c) Married or Single - married
   (d) Habits - unknown
   (e) Educated - 
2.(a) What relations have been insane - None
3.(a) Date of first attack - November ? 1892
   (b) How exhibited - wild, frenzied, has to be bound in order to be controled
   (c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - 
4.(a) Supposed cause - 
   (b) Any peculiar illusions and what - 
   (c) Subject to fits. How long - 
        From what cause - 
   (d) Natural Temper - 
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - 
   (b) Violence toward others - 
6.Periodic frenzy - 
7.(a) Restraint imposed - 
   (b) Treatment used - 
   (c) Bleeding - 
8. Injury about head - 

Saturday, October 25, 2008

JAMES W TOWNS - Pages 38-39 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court August 19, 1892
Jas. W. Towns ] Lunatic

This day F A Wilson Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. [name], Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Jas. W. Towns is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

F A Wilson County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That Dan B Cassidy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial. Viz: James W Town

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: T H Malloy, Clarence Joy, Ollin C Catlett, B F Groves, W M Robertson, G C Lester, Garrett Reed, Walter Timmons, M P Malloy, F S Lady, Elijah Timmons and C W Rucker

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that James W Towns is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind originates from cause unknown to jury that he was born in Kentucky, and resides in Lyon County and is 50 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns a few acres of very poor ground, too poor to make a living on, that he owns no other estate of any kind;save a little household pl??, that his father is dead and mother is dead he has no estate except that above named which is not sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Jas. W. Towns is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said James W Towns is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and D G W Williamson is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 39

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 50
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - sober & good
(e) Educated - limited
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack - about seven years ago. at first slight
(b) How exhibited - periodical spells of sullenness, then excitement, then recovery- the symptoms alternate at short intervals
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - periods of insanity of greater duration andmuch more violent
4.(a) Supposed cause - unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - imagines his family and friends are tired of him, wish to kill & poison him
(c) Subject to fits. no How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes - even when sane
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no, but threatens it
(b) Violence toward others -
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - have had to use force to prevent injury to himself and others
(b) Treatment used - unknown
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head - none

Friday, October 24, 2008

NANNIE JOHNSON - Pages 36-37 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 36
June Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon Circuit Court June 14, 1892
Nannie Johnson ] Lunatic

This day J B Garnett, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon.John R Grace, Judge of the Lyon Circuit Court:
I am reliably informed that Nannie Johnson is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

J B Garnett County Attorney 2 Judicial District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Adam Knoth, S D Jackson, T M Nickell, Brook Patterson, J N Oliver, F G Bannister, Sanuel Williams, W J Woodall, J M Cash, L N Leash, A KSingleton, D A Sexton

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Nannie Johnson is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind has occurred within five years that she was born in [where-born]Ballard County, and resides in Lyon County and is 34 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate in possession ??ion or remainder and no estate of any kind; that her father is dead and mother dead and reside in [sic] and not sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Nannie Johnson is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

Samuel Williams, Foreman

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Nannie Johnson is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and L C Duke is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: M R Grace Judge Lyon Circuit Court

Page 37

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 34
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated -
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause -
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others -
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -

Thursday, October 23, 2008

JAS. R. STIFFEY - Pages 34-35 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 34
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 11, 1892
[name] Jas. R. Stiffey ] Lunatic

This day F A Wilson, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Jas. R. Stiffey is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

F A Wilson County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That W W Martin Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial. Jas. R.Stiffey

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: L H Malloy, Jno. Q. Thomas, H L Skinner, S Miles, J R Kimsey, J H Brock, Garret Reed, J A Robertson, J C Hodges, J E Freeman, G E Crumbaugh, J W Furnish

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Jas. R. Stiffey is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from unknown cause that he was born in Indiana and resides in Eddyville and is 25 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is alive and mother is alive and reside in Indiana and have not estate so far as we are informed sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Jas. R. Stiffey is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Stiffey is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Lexington Kentucky, and R F Holmes is appointed to convey him/her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 35

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 25 years
(b) Occupation - Horse trainer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - unknown
(e) Educated - limited
2.(a) What relations have been insane - Don't know
3.(a) Date of first attack - first known of over a year ago
(b) How exhibited - Becomes wild & frenzied. Violent. Then calms down & imagines himself a lawyer, rich.
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - Don't know
4.(a) Supposed cause - unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - As above stated thinks he owns a great deal of property.
(c) Subject to fits. no How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yes at times
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - chained & confined in cell
(b) Treatment used - Don't know
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - None known of

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TANDY BRANHAM - Pages 32-33 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 32
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 11, 1892
Tandy Branham ] Lunatic

This day F A Wilson Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Tandy Branham is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

F A wilson County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, ThatW W Martin Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial. Tandy Branham

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: L H Malloy, Jno Q Thomas, H F Skinner, L Miles, J D Kimsey, J H Brock, Garret Reed, J P Robertson, J C Hodges, J E Freeman, G E Crumbaugh and J W Furnish [not listed here, but signed below as a juror was H ? Brock]

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Tandy Branham is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from unknown cause that he was born in Virginia, and resides in Eddyville and is 37 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is alive and mother is alive and reside in ----------- and have not estate so far as we know sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Tandy Branham is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Branham is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Lexington Kentucky, and R ? Holmes is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 33

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 37yrs
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - unknown
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - don't know of any
3.(a) Date of first attack - about one year ago
(b) How exhibited - religious frenzy
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - grows worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy - Rather??
7.(a) Restraint imposed - confined in cell
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

FRED WILSON - Pages 30-31 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 30
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court March 19, 1892
Fred Wilson ] Lunatic

This day F A Wilson, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Fred Wilson is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

F A Wilson County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial. Fred Wilson

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: C Warfield, M Malloy, G B Rasco, W J Glass, A Q Surtes, M S Anderson, Fletcher Harrison and M.E. Bridges

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that [name] Fred Wilson is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind results from cause unknown to the jury that hewas born in Ohio, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 29years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is alive and mother is alive and reside in Ohio. Jury is unable to ascertain whether or not said parents have estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Fred Wilson is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Fred Wilson is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and L C Duke is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed 1 guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 31

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 29
(b) Occupation - laborer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated -
2.(a) What relations have been insane - Know nothing of his family history
3.(a) Date of first attack - 2 weeks ago
(b) How exhibited - wild random talk
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - Is growing worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - Unknown. possibly onanism
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - Imagines he is a physician again that he has been without food for several days
(c) Subject to fits. no How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yesterday for the first time
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - yes
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - not that I know of
9. Attest W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Co Ct

Monday, October 20, 2008

WILLIAM LAWRENCE - Pages 28-29 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 28
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT
Lyon County Court August 8th, 1891
Wm Lawrence ] Lunatic

This day John C riley, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that William Lawrence is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Jno C Riley County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That F A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial. William Lawrence

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: D O B Withers, Dr. A H Champion, Barlley(?) Goin, O M Jenkins, J W Dobson, Geo Farr, M P Malloy, Jno Griffith, E B Withers, Hylan Skinner, J B Davis and R F Holmes

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that William Lawrence is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind results from disease and old age - precise cause unknown that he was born in Logan Co Ky, and resides in Lyon Co Poor House and is sixty nine years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is dead and mother is dead and said Lawrence is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said William Lawrence is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and W L Smith is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed no guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 29

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 69
(b) Occupation - common laborer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - good
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none known to court
3.(a) Date of first attack - has been off balance before
(b) How exhibited - imagines someone is trying to injure him
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - no chane
4.(a) Supposed cause - disease
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - now claims that some of his associates throw something on him at night when abed
(c) Subject to How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - very irritable
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - sometimes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - no
9. This is a blank section which is usually signed by the clerk.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

JOHN SHAFER - Pages 26-27 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 26

State of Kentucky ] SCT Special Term - State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Eddyville, Ky Mch 6, 1891
John Shafer ] Lunatic

This day W W Martin Protem Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that John Shafer is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

W W Martin Protem County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That F A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial. John Shafer

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: R C Holloway, J B Freeman, J F Yates, G Nuckolls, W T Glass, H L Martin, Caleb Warfield, P A Beck, L B Lacey, Garrett Reed, C C Glasgow and M P Malloy

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that John Shafer is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind was produced by epilepsy that he was born in Lyon Co Ky, and resides in said co & state and is 23 or 24 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is alive and mother dead and reside in [parent_reside] Missouri and has not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said John Shafer is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said John Shafer is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and J C Church is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 27

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - about 23 or 24 years old
(b) Occupation - laborer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - sober
(e) Educated - but little
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none so far as knows
3.(a) Date of first attack - In extreme infancy
(b) How exhibited - By epileptic fits
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - Has grown gradually worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - Epilepsy
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - none
(c) Subject to fits. yes How long - from infancy
From what cause - unknown
(d) Natural Temper - mile
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - quite frequent of late
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - don't know
8. Injury about head - don't know
9. Attest W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Co Ct

New Books Covering the Shelby County Area

In the box in the right column of this blog are links to the books written by the two author's I've heard speak this week.

1. Judy Ringel on Jewish Roots in Shelby County
2. Dr. John E Harkins "Historic Shelby County"

If you have an interest in the Shelby County Tennessee area, you might be interested in these books.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

PHELIX CURRY - Pages 24-25 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 24

State of Kentucky ] SCT Eddyville Ky July 23, 1890
Lyon County Court
Phelix Curry ] Lunatic

This day F A Wilson, Attorney Protem for Lyon Co, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. H H Cassidy, Judge of the Eddyville Police Court:
I am reliably informed that Phelix Curry is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

F A Wilson County Attorney Co. Atty pro-tem
Ordered by the Court, That Dan B Cassidy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: John Brock, J W Furnish, G H Calloway, Garrett Reed, W A Lindle, W E Crumbaugh, Eugene wilcox, G E Crumbaugh, J T Poindexter, O C Catlett, Mack Cash & T H Malloy

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Phelix Curry is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind was produced from unknown causes that he was born in Ky, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 32 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is living and mother dead and reside in Lyon Co Ky and he has not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said lunatic is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his/her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Phelix Curry s of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and L C Duks(?) is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: H H Cassidy Judge Eddyville Police Court

Page 25

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 32 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - industrious when sane
(e) Educated - can read & write
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack - about 3 years ago
(b) How exhibited - by something like fits
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - has had no more fits
4.(a) Supposed cause - unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - he imagines his friends are his enemys [sic]
(c) Subject to fits. no How long -
From what cause - unknown
(d) Natural Temper - good when sane
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yes has threaten [sic] to kill others
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - his friends have to watch
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - none
9. H H Cassidy J E P C

Some Other Things I've Been Doing

I did some fun things this week that I'd like to share.

On Thursday night I attended a talk by Judy Ringel at the Tennessee Genealogical Society, on her new book: "Planting Jewish Roots in Southern Soil: Tales from the Archives of Temple Israel". Her talk was about early Jewish families in the Memphis TN area. A very enjoyable evening.

The next thing I did had nothing to do with genealogy. I went to the Square Beans Coffee Shop on the square in Collierville, TN and heard Rich Ramsey play his piano and sing. He went to high school here in Collierville, graduated from college and taught math in North Carolina and is now living in Nashville. He's extremely talented and funny. Click on song number 3 "When the Sun" at this link: Rich Ramsey

Tomorrow night I'm going to hear Dr. John Harkins talk about his new book on Shelby County Tennessee at the Tennessee Genealogical Library.

I went to the library today also and photocopied more pages from the Lyon County Kentucky Lunatic Inquest Book, so that saga will continue.....

I also talked to two people at my office about starting to work on their family history. That's always a fun thing to do.

Now I need to work on my "Using the Internet for Genealogical Research: Beyond the Basics". Still haven't figured out exactly how to structure the talk, but the time is slowing creeping up on me: November 8th, 2008 at the Pickering Center, next door to the Tennessee Genealogical Library.

Friday, October 17, 2008

VIRGINIA E SMITH - Pages 22-23 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 22

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 20, 1890
Virginia E smith ] Lunatic

This day E H James, Attorney for Lyon County Ky filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T J Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Mrs Virginia E Smith is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H James County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That John D Lester Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: T J Lohr, T C Warfield, Garret Reed, S H Morten, S W Howarton, O C Catlett, J W Cassidy, Caswell Nuckolls, W A Linelly, George C Hodges, G C Lester & M P Malloy

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mrs. Virgie E Smithis a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind was produced by cause unknown to jury that she was born in Columbus, Miss. , and resides in Eddyville, Ky and is about 40 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns city property in Columbus Miss. worth $2500 incumbered by a $500 to $600 lien; that her father is dead and mother dead and said Virgie E Smith is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Virginia E smith is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Dick Calloway is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Filed in my office June 20, 1890: T H Malloy, Lyon Cn Ct

State of Kentucky
Lyon County
Her affiants A Calloway and J H Hussey state that they are practicing physicians and that they have personally examined Mrs. Virginia E Smith [??] to [??] of unsound mind and that they verify believe [sic] her to be a lunatic and that her condition is such it would be unsafe to bring her into court.
A Calloway
J H Hussey
Subscribed and sworn to before me by A Calloway and Hussey this the 20 day of June 1890
T J Watkins Judge LCC

Page 23

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 40 years
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - industrious when sane
(e) Educated - yes
2.(a) What relations have been insane - She has an aunt, sister to her mother, who at times has shown indications of insanity
3.(a) Date of first attack - Has shown some indications of insanity for two or [??] years post but not confined until six months ago
(b) How exhibited - Sometimes about religion and at other times about business and other things
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - She is continually growing worse, though some times she has partially lucid intervals
4.(a) Supposed cause - unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - She frequently imagines sha has done wrong about various things and blames herself
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - When sane even temper, though excitable and very sensitive
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - She is constantly watched by members of the family. Have had to fasten doors to keep her from leaving home at night
(b) Treatment used - Have given her medicine to quiet her more and produce sleep
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - Several years ago she had a fall and struck the back of her head but seemed to produce no serious results
9. T J Watkins Judge LCC

Thursday, October 16, 2008

DRUCILLA JONES - Pages 20-21 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 20

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court April 11, 1890
Drucilla Jones ] Lunatic

This day E H James, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T J Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Drucilla Jones is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H James County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That F A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Ollie Catlett, R W Early, J T Oliver, Isaac Gray Jr, S W Howouton, C A Easley, Caswell Nuckolls, C P Ethridge, L A Braswell, Robert Hodges, T C Pennies(?) and C W Rucker.

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Drucilla Jones is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind originated from unknown causes that she was born in Tennessee, and resides in Lyon County Ky and is 56 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; that her father is dead and mother is dead and she is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Drucilla Jones is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and R T Holmes is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest:T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 21

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 56
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - Temper
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack - [??} more [??] two years ago. First attack since her return from asylum was 4 or 5 days ago
(b) How exhibited - very violent at times
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - growing worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - supposed to be hysteria
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - Hostile towards her husband and other members of the family and friends
(c) Subject to fits. no How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - naturally high tempered
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - not recently but she attempted to drown herself prior to the time she was in the asylum
(b) Violence toward others - she is [unreadable]
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - Has to be constantly watched and guarded
(b) Treatment used - don't know
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
9. T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

JAMES W TOWNS - Pages 18-19 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 18

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court March 22, 1890
James W Towns ] Lunatic

This dayW W Martin, Attorney protem for Lyon, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T J Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that James W Towns is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

W W Martin Atty Pro Tem L.C.
Ordered by the Court, That J C Riley Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial. Jas. W. Towns

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: C W Davis, W L Gresham, Jas Hawley, John Terrell, S S West, J T Moneymaker, Thos Jenkins, H C Pearce, W C Terrell, J S Holt, W C Faulkner and M Malloy

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Jas W Towns is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind orignates from unknown cause that he was born in Ky, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 48 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns a small piece of land, too poor to make a lviing on. No other estate of any kind; that his father is dead and mother dead and he has no estate except the little piece of land and a few cheap household articles sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Jas W Towns is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Jas W Towns is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and G W Williamson is appointed to convey him/her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 19

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 48 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - sober habits
(e) Educated - limited
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack - about five yrs ago in slight degree
(b) How exhibited - periodical. sometimes insane then for a time lucid
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - Periods of insanity more frequent and more violent
4.(a) Supposed cause - unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - He imagines his family and friends are trying to poison & kill him. Want to get rid of him.
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - Even tempered man when sober
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - Threatens suicide
(b) Violence toward others - Has attempted to do injury to his wife & children. has struck 1 time
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - Have had to use forcible restraint to prevent violence to himself & others
(b) Treatment used - unknown. Refuses to take medicines
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
9. T J Watkins Judge LCC

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

DRUCILLA JONES - Pages 16-17 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 16

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Sept 28, 1889
Drucilla Jones ] Lunatic

This day E H James Attorney for Lyon County, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T J Watkins Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Drucilla Jones is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H JamescCounty Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That F A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: D W Wallace, G W Pendergrass, B F Cash, A M Wells, D M Smith, F M Hilreth, L F Cash, J T Moneymaker, H C Pearce, C Warfield, H Y Banister and M F Pritchett

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Drucilla Jones is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind ?? a few days ago exceptited [sic]she had an attack and was in the asylum about 18 months ago that she was born in Tennessee, and resides in Lyon County and is 56 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; that her father and mother are dead no estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Drucilla Jones is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Drucilla Jones is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and R J Holmesis appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 17

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 55
(b) Occupation - ---
(c) Married or Single - Married
(d) Habits - temperate
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack - a few days since
(b) How exhibited - very violent at times
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - growing worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - Supposed to be hysteria
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - specifically hostile toward husband and members of her family
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - naturally high tempered
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - Not since her release from asylum
(b) Violence toward others -
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - Has to be constantly watched and guarded
(b) Treatment used - Don't know duration of treatment. A physician was involved.
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
9. T J Watkins Judge LCC

Monday, October 13, 2008

CURTIS MITCHELL - Pages 14-15 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 14

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court August 7, 1889
Curtis Mitchell ] Lunatic

This day E H James, County Attorney for Lyon County, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T J Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Curtis Mitchellis a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H James County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That D B Cassidy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: C W Rucker, F B Evins, Hugh Smith, Henry McKinney, L H Oliver, M O Cox, W W Holland, J B Withers, Hewlett Rucker, W H Warfield, H C Pearce & M P Molloy

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Curtis Mitchell is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is result of Epilipsy [sic] of many years standing that he was born in Caldwell County, and resides in [resides] Lyon County and is 22 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no property no estate of any kind; that his father is dead and mother is living and resides in Lyon County and has no estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Curtis Mitchell is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his/her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Curtis Mitchell is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and [unreadable] is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 15

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 22 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - habits good
(e) Educated - has no education
2.(a) What relations have been insane - An uncle of his mother has been insane from same cause as in party now in charge
3.(a) Date of first attack - Ten or twelve years ago, but more frequent and violent recently.
(b) How exhibited - In giving away to his temper and always trying to injure his family and those about him and to destroy property
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - It's growing worse continually
4.(a) Supposed cause - Epilepsy
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - He ?? away from home and wanders about and has to be constantly watched
(c) Subject to fits. Yes How long - 10 or 12 years back
From what cause - Unknown
(d) Natural Temper - Previous to his insanity his temper was wild
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - Not so far as known
(b) Violence toward others - Is very violent toward others and has several times ?? ??? his mother and family and ?? attacked his mother and brothers with a knife. His mother is constantly in dread of her life as well as for her other children.
6.Periodic frenzy - Yes as stated above
7.(a) Restraint imposed - He has to be watched by his family to prevent him from doing violence as stated above
(b) Treatment used - Has been treated by local physicians, treatment not known
(c) Bleeding - No
8. Injury about heaNo sird -
9. T J Watkins, Judge LCC

Sunday, October 12, 2008

MARY BUTNER - Pages 12-13 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 12

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court October 25, 1888
Mary Butner ] Lunatic

This day E H James, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Mary Butner is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H James County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That D B Cassidy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: O M Jenkins, A H Champion, G M Champion, W T Smith, T H Mallory, Ollie Catlett, R C Kenady, I M Burnam, Joseph Ennis, C Nuckolls, J N Connelley, F M Stone

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mary Butner is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind first showed itself two years ago, and more violent (?) the last two or three weeks. that she was born in Tennessee, and resides in Lyon County Ky and is 48 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he/she owns no estate of any kind; that her father is dead and mother dead and said Mary Butner is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mary Butner is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and A B Butner is appointed to convey him/her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest:T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 13

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 48 years
(b) Occupation - Housekeeper
(c) Married or Single - Married
(d) Habits - Good
(e) Educated - Can read and write
2.(a) What relations have been insane - None
3.(a) Date of first attack - About two years since, slightly but (??) worse in last few weeks
(b) How exhibited - She don't talk with good sense or judgement about anything. Thinks she is going to burn up. That the world is going to burn up.
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - She grows worse and worse continuously
4.(a) Supposed cause - Grief over death of our daughter, and probably caused in part by change of life
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - yes, as stated above
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - good
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - She has frequently threatened to kill herself and a few days ago attempted to commit suicide by jumping into a cistern, but was prevented by her husband.
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - Yes, much worse at sometimes than others
7.(a) Restraint imposed - Her husband has to keep a constant watch over her to prevent her jumping out of the window and doing herself other violence
(b) Treatment used - Physicians have attended her but don't know treatment used
(c) Bleeding - No
8. Injury about head - No
9. T J Watkins Judge Lyon Co Court

Thursday, October 9, 2008

CHARLES D. PRINCE - Pages 10-11 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 10

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 29, 1888
Charles D Prince ] Lunatic

This day E H James Attorney for Lyon County, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T J Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Charles D Prince is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H James County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That F A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: J P Robertson, H H Cassidy, J M [Milton] Gray, G C Lester, Joseph Ennis, Garret Reed, T H Malloy, W W Martin, E S Malhen, G M champion, J E Hodges, T L Cash [foreman]

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Charles D Prince is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind occured within the last few months, since March 1888 that he was born in Calwell [sic] County, and resides in Lyon County and is fifty years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns about #150 or #150, with personal property ?? and no real estate; that his/her father is dead and mother is dead and said Charles D Prince is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Charles D Prince is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and John H Hopper is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 11

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - Fifty years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - temperate good habits
(e) Educated - moderate education
2.(a) What relations have been insane - None
3.(a) Date of first attack - about 1st of March 1888
(b) How exhibited - In his conversations and actions and an attempt at suicide
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - He is gradually growing worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - Hepatic trouble, and possibly in part from injury to head
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - fear of starvation
(c) Subject to fits. no How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - even tempered well disposed
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - has made several attempts to kill himself
(b) Violence toward others - has shown a disposition to do violence tohis wife and family
6.Periodic frenzy - supposed frenzy, periodically
7.(a) Restraint imposed - no restraint but his family and friends have kept a constant watch over him since his first attempt at suicide
(b) Treatment used - none, he refuses to take medicine
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - Last July was thrown from a buggy and his head was injured and he frequently complained of his injury afterward though it did not lay him up, and he did not seem to suffer any in concussion from injury and no indications of insanity appeared until March 1888, though he occasionally complained of head ache and his insanity may have been superinduced [?] by his injury.
June 29th 1888 T J Watkins Judge LCC

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

DRUCILLA JONES - Pages 8-9 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book


State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court March 24, 1888
Drucilla Jones ] Lunatic

This day E H James, Attorney for Lyon County, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T J Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Drucilla Jones is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H James Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That F A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: F N Lyon, J P Kimsey, Jas M Freeman, J M Riley, R T Barrett, Thos H Malloy, J W Furnish, J M Smith, W W Martin, G C Lester and O C Catlett [R C Cash was not listed, but signed as a juror in the signature section]

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Drucilla Jones is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind occured about four weeks ago that he/she was born in Tenn., and resides in Lyon Co. Ky. and is 54 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; that her father is dead and mother is dead and sheis not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman is O C Catlett]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Drucilla Jones is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Ollie Catlett is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed two guards.

Attest: T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 9

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - about fifty four years
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - has been temperate in her habits
(e) Educated - not educated
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none so far as known
3.(a) Date of first attack - about four weeks ago
(b) How exhibited - At first calm but in last few days very violent
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - Growing worse constantly
4.(a) Supposed cause - Don't know any cause
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - Imagines that her best friends are her enemies
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - Violent high temper naturally
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - yes. jumped into creek and tried to drown herself
(b) Violence toward others - Yes. Will strike her friends with anything she gets hold of.
6.Periodic frenzy - Violent all the time
7.(a) Restraint imposed - Has to be constantly watched to prevent her from inuring herself or others
(b) Treatment used - None
(c) Bleeding - None
8. Injury about head - Not so far as known
9. T J Watkins, Judge LCC

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

L J ALLEN - Pages 6-7 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 6

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court March 10, 1888
L J Allen ] Lunatic

This day E H James, Attorney for Lyon County, made an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T J Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that L J Allen is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H James County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That T A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: H K L Gatewood, J B Freeman, W C Pemberton, G W Jones, Manliff Tucker, Caswell Nuckolls, S W Howarton, W P Hildreth, W B Barrett, [crossed out J S Warfield], J J Stovall, T C Gray

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that L J Allen is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind supposed to have been caused by frequent use of chloral taken in case of hepatic colic with tran??oids of gall stones to which he is subject that hewas born in Tennessee, and resides in Lyon County and is 33 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns of property real and personal estimated at sum of #2000; that his father is dead and mother is dead and he L J Allen has not sufficient income arising from hisproperty to support him in his present condition and said L J Allen is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support. His income from his property would not amount to more than two hundred.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman T C Gregory]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said L J Allen is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and J C Chambliss is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 7

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 33 years
(b) Occupation - Physician
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - Temperate, except the excessive use of opiates when suffering from colic
(e) Educated - yes
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none so far as known
3.(a) Date of first attack - about two weeks ago
(b) How exhibited - subject to all ?sts of hallucinations such as outbursts of passion, imaginaing persons are attempting to harm(?) him
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - not much change in his condition since his first attack
4.(a) Supposed cause - excessive use of chloral and opiates
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - He imagines that persons are attempting to kill him and other times ?? he is treating his patients
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - naturally high tempered nervous and excitable
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yes by striking members of his family and attendants
6.Periodic frenzy - continuous since first attack
7.(a) Restraint imposed - rigorous attention and restraint
(b) Treatment used - hypodermic injections of morphine and anti billious treatment used
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
9. T J Watkins Judge LCC

Additional page

State of Kentucky
Lyon County

The afficiants O B Withers and F L Allen both say they are residents of Lyon County Kentucky and regularly engaged in the practice of medicine and are acquainted with L J Allen and that they have personally examined him and that they verily believe him to be a lunatic and that his condition and state of health is such that it would be unsafe to bring him into court that he is in very feeble health and almost entirely helpless. That he lives about ten miles from the court and is our opinion to bring him to court would bring about serious result

O B Withers MD
F L Allen

Subscribed and sworn to before us by O B Withers and F L Allen this Mar 10, 1888
E H James
Examiner for Lyon Co

Monday, October 6, 2008

GORDON PERKINS - Pages 4-5 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 4

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court November 24th 1887
Gordon Perkins ] Lunatic

This day E H James, Attorney for Lyon County made information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. J T Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Gordon Perkins is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H James County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That F A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: John W Clark, George Hamby, H Faughn, C M Whitney, W H Robertson, S D Ennis [foreman], John Stovall, Edward Wade, B F Gray, Tony Marre, and 2 other names not readable

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Gordon Perkins is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind was caused by Typhoid Fever that he was born in Kentucky, and resides in Lyon County and is 28 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is alive and mother is dead and reside in Lyon County and he has not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Gordon Perkins is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said [name] is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he/she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and J B Williams is appointed to convey him/her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 5

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 28 years old
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - Uses tobacco to excess, but temperate in other respects
(e) Educated - uneducated
2.(a) What relations have been insane - his paternal grandfather and uncle have both been insane, but are both now dead
3.(a) Date of first attack - 1881
(b) How exhibited - his first attack was produced from spell of typhoid fever
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - From first attack his insanity has increased
4.(a) Supposed cause - spell of fever referred to
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - none
(c) Subject to fits. no How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - before his insanity he was good disposed
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yes at one time last spring he attacked his father knocked him down and has often attempted to strike him
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - Has constantly kept a watch on him
(b) Treatment used - Has been treated by personal physician and no evidence as to character of treatment
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - no
9. T J Watkins Judge LCC

Sunday, October 5, 2008

DAN BELL - Pages 2-3 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 2

State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court September 6, 1887
Dan Bell ] Lunatic

This day E H James, County Attorney for Lyon County, made an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. T J Watkins, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Dan Bell is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

E H James County Attorney Lyon Co

Ordered by the Court, That R M ?? Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: John W Clark, Caswell Nuckolls, W C Pearce, H B Withers, M M Lyoon Jr, George Champion, C C Butt, Dennis Smith, Filmore Baggett, L C Daggett, Samuel West and J L Watson

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Dan Bell is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind was caused by epilepsy that he was born in Lyon County, and resides in Lyon County and is 26 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is dead and mother is alive and resides in Lyon Co Ky and that she has not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Dan Bell is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
L C Daggett is listed as foreman

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Dan Bell is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and J S Williams is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: T J Watkins Judge Lyon County Court

Page 3

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 26 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - Single
(d) Habits - Dissipated
(e) Educated - Limited
2.(a) What relations have been insane - None
3.(a) Date of first attack - Many years ago
(b) How exhibited - fits of epilepsy
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - more frequent and more violent
4.(a) Supposed cause - epilepsy
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - At times he is fractures [sic] and and [sic] violent, imagines that his best friends are his enemies
(c) Subject to fits. - yes; How long - twenty years or more
From what cause - supposed to have originated from a spell of fever
(d) Natural Temper - vicious and violent
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no attempt at suicide as far as known
(b) Violence toward others - At times he is very violent toward others and yesterday attempted to kill his stepfather Mr Hamis [?] without any provocation
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - He was for several years confined in the Western Lunatic Asylum at Hopkinsville, Ky
(b) Treatment used
(c) Bleeding - None
8. Injury about head
9. The above answers were made after interrogating his brother ?? Foster[?] & Dr. G W Williams. T J Watkins Judge Lyon Co Court.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's Nice To Be Noticed

The "award" was sent to me by Linda Stienstra. You can see her blog here:
From Axer To Ziegler

The rules of the "award" are:

  • can put the logo on his/her blog
  • must link to the person who gave the award
  • must nominate seven other blogs and link to them
  • must leave a comment on each of the nominated blogs

Seven blogs that I read regularly are:

  1. Brenda Jerome's Western Kentucky Genealogy Blog
  2. Pat Richley's Dear Myrtle Blog
  3. Dick Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter ; Maybe not technicallly a blog, but I follow it daily by making it one of my RSS feeds.
  4. Randy Seaver's Genea-Musings
  5. Chris Dunham's The Genealogue
  6. A whole staff of folks at Engadget
  7. Another staff at TechCrunch

There are several podcasts I listen to weekly; several photography sites I check frequently; two of my children have blogs with excellent writing, art and photography; several other technical blogs I follow. It was hard to pick my top seven. I LOVE the net. I learn so much every day!!

Thanks again Linda.

1 Lunatic Inquest Book - Lyon County Kentucky

I finally made it to the genealogical library today to use their microfilm reader. I had purchased the microfilm of the LYON COUNTY KENTUCKY LUNATIC INQUEST RECORDS FROM 1887 TO 1910. My new project is to transcribe the records on this reel of microfilm.

Information from the initial page of the roll:
Lyon County, KY
County Clerk
Eddyville, Kentucky 42038
Lunatic Inquest Book
Roll #7025267

I plan to do one record a night [this microfilm is VERY hard to read]. The information for each person is covered in two pages.

The first page lists:
1. The name of the attorney and the name of his [I used "his", as I haven't seen a female attorney for this period of Kentucky history in this county] client, who is supposed to be of "unsound mind".
2. The name of the court attorney.
3. The names of the jurors
4. The findings of the jury.
5. The following information on the person of "unsound mind":
- place of birth,
- place of residence,
- age,
- a statement that the person was not brought to Kentucky for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth,
- whether he/she owns property,
- whether his/her father is alive or dead,
- whether his/her mother is alive or dead
- if the parents are alive where they live and if they have an estate sufficient to support the person under trial
- a statement that the person on trial is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his/her support.
6. The signatures of each juror
7. The courts decision as to "unsound mind" and where the person is to be sent.
8. Name of the person who is to convey the person of "unsound mind" to the asylum and how many guards are needed.
9. The signature of the judge.

The second page gives the answers to the following questions:

1.(a) Age
(b) Occupation
(c) Married or Single
(d) Habits
(e) Educated
2.(a) What relations have been insane
3.(a) Date of first attack
(b) How exhibited
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period
4.(a) Supposed cause
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what
(c) Subject to fits. How long
From what cause
(d) Natural Temper
5.(a) Attempt at suicide
(b) Violence toward others
6.Periodic frenzy
7.(a) Restraint imposed
(b) Treatment used
8. Injury about head
9. This is a blank section which is usually signed by the clerk.

I became interested in these records after finding my great-grandfather listed as an inmate/patient in the asylum in Hopkinsville Kentucky. I wanted to find out why he was there. I've blogged on this previously. I wrote for records from the hospital, but they couldn't tell me about the actual commitment. This led me to the Inquest Book. I hope these are of genealogical use to someone, and of interest to many.