Revolutionary War Pension Records
Page 4 Concerning John Carter Littlepage
State of Virginia, Hanover County Sct
On this twenty eighth day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty three personally appeared at his own home, in the county aforesaid, before me, Parke Streeb a Justice of the peace for the said County, John Carter Littlepage a resident of the said county as aforesaid in the State aforesaid aged eighty years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
That this county is the place of his nativity - That having received the first part of his education, he was placed in Secretary Nelsons office in Williamsburg to be prepared to make his way through life - That the circle in which he moved in Williamsburg, he having been introduced by Col. Byrd of Westover, was of the first order; it being Governor Bottomle Dunmore and all the genteelest families in the City and neighborhood. That being at the Seat of Government, immediately proceeding and at the commencement of the War of the Revolution - chance made it known to him, in the year 1775, that Lord Dunmore in his Council of State, proposed to [??] his proclamation, pointing among other things, to the securing of the person of Patrick Henry. That his feelings having been particularly in??ed towards Mr. Henry, he being a relation, and both of them having been born in the same neighborhood; he made a forced ride of near an hundred miles in about twenty four hours from Williamsburg to Col. Symes at Newcastle and back again (Col. Symes being the half brother of Mr. Henry) to have Mr. Henry informed of the aforesaid fact which chance had made known to him; that Mr. Henry might be on his guard. and it was this information, which caused the scout which accompanied Mr. Henry part of his way to the fine Congress.
That a company of volunteers, who styled themselves minute men, met at South Arms Bridge in this county, elected their officers, to wit, Samuel Meredith & Capt Meredith having been an Indian warrior, and was trained to a knowledge of the military sciences, the company meeting from time to time for the purpose of being trained in that although the said John Carter Littlepage resided at that time in Williamsburg, upwards of sixty miles from South Arms Bridge, he nevertheless volunteered himself a member of the said company and frequently attended the musters at South Arms bridge and that in this company he marched in the year 1775, being the six months tour mentioned in Capt Thos Precis affidavit - marked A
That as stated by Capt Samuel Tinsley in his affidavit marked B, he the said Littlepage did raise a company of volunteer cavalry - and among the service rendered by him and his company was one under Genl Muhlengerg in the year 1780, when he took a man by the name of Matthews, who said he was a Brittish disenter - but in a very few minutes the man showed considerable alarm and dipped his hand in his pocket and drew out some tobacco which he attempted to put in his mouth but it was struck from his hand and with it a very small ball in which was wrapped a letter from Genl Leslie, then in Possession of Norfolk directed to Lord Cornwallis in Charleston, making known to Cornwallis that he Leslie arguably to the order of Lord Howe had taken possession of Norfolk where he was ordered to remain on the defensive until Cornwallis could join him. This information being in our possession enabled our army to make arrangements to prevent the junctions between Cornwallis & Leslie. And the said Littlepage declares that in going into service under Genl Muhlenberg he marched from this county (Hanover) through the counties of New Kent, James City Surry Isle of Wight into Nansommond, where he took the said Matathews within about 12 miles of Norfolk the headquarters of Leslie. - and the said Littlepage further states that he forwards here - with an order from Genl Muhlenberg to him as Captain dated Nov 21st 1780 and marked D
That in 1781 when the Marquis Lafayette lay in the upper end of this county on his retreat from the Brittish that he the said Littlepage was very near being taken by the Brittish Light horse at Mr Robert Pages of Broad Neck and that he was chased by the said Light horse as far as Hanover County Houses(?) and that he went there with all possible speed to the Marquis Camp at Scotch Town to inform him of the near approach of the Brittish & that Genl Nelson was with the Marquis, and that Genl Nelson immediately recommended the said Littlepage to the Marquis as a proper person to conduct him the safest route to avoid the Brittish, and to form a junction with Genl Wayne who was marching his army from the North to join the Marquis. That he attended the Marquis and pointed out the route which he verily believes saved the army & which he also believes was the Marquis' opinion, which was evinced by the particular attention he paid him in the City of Richmond in 1824.
That the commission which he held as Captain of Cavalry, has either been lost or destroyed, which has been the case with a great many of his most valuable papers.
That as to his stating specifically the length of service he has actually performed it is not in his power: but he can state with confidence, that the service which he did render in the War of the Revolution, was of very considerable benefit to the United States.
That he is not able to attend the Court to make his declaration before the Court being prevented some what by age, lives(?) much more by disease which has confined him almost constantly to his room, and a great part of the time actually to his bed, for the last six or seven years.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension role of the agency of any state whatever.
Signed John C Littlepage.
Another document, dated 26 February 1833 by Thomas Price says in part: "The Government can't require a better recommendation of Mr Littlepages standing in Society than that of his enjoying the confidence of the Citizens of one among the largest counties in the Commonwealth who elected him a member of the Convention to frame the Constitution under which we live ....."
Genealogy in general; Genealogy of Western Kentucky; Middle age and thoughts on life.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
JESS DURHAM - Pages 212-213 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 212
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court July 21, 1909
COMMONWEALTH Present Hon. W L Crumbaugh Judge
Jess Durham ] Lunatic
This day E H James, Acting Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Jess Durham is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
E H James Protem County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That N W Utley Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: C Armstrong, F E Cummins, G E Crumbaugh, Everett? Castleberry, W P Molloy, G S Nall, Manlif Tucker, Chas Robertson, Ken Henson, J Y Mize, W S Craig & Joe Robertson
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Jess Durham is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from Epilepsy that he was born in Ky, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 40 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns _______ no estate of any kind; that his father and mother reside in [Areland?/Anlead?] and have not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Jess Durham is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] C. Armstrong
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Jess Durham is of unsound mind and a harmless lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard. When time(?) over(?) ?? if ever he is to be returned to Eddyville Prison.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 213
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 40 years
(b) Occupation – Prisoner in Penitentiary
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack - epileptic
(b) How exhibited – attempts suicide
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grows worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. Yes How long – not known
From what cause – not known
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - yes
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - guarded
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head – not known
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court July 21, 1909
COMMONWEALTH Present Hon. W L Crumbaugh Judge
Jess Durham ] Lunatic
This day E H James, Acting Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Jess Durham is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
E H James Protem County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That N W Utley Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: C Armstrong, F E Cummins, G E Crumbaugh, Everett? Castleberry, W P Molloy, G S Nall, Manlif Tucker, Chas Robertson, Ken Henson, J Y Mize, W S Craig & Joe Robertson
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Jess Durham is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from Epilepsy that he was born in Ky, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 40 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns _______ no estate of any kind; that his father and mother reside in [Areland?/Anlead?] and have not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Jess Durham is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] C. Armstrong
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Jess Durham is of unsound mind and a harmless lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard. When time(?) over(?) ?? if ever he is to be returned to Eddyville Prison.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 213
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 40 years
(b) Occupation – Prisoner in Penitentiary
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack - epileptic
(b) How exhibited – attempts suicide
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grows worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. Yes How long – not known
From what cause – not known
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - yes
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - guarded
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head – not known
Monday, February 23, 2009
B W SMITH - Pages 210-211 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 210
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 26th 1908
COMMONWEALTH Present Hon. W L Crumbaugh Judge
B W Smith ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that B W Smith is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That M P Molloy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: John Town, W P Glenn, T N Cockrill, Stie Hall, Harvey Satterfield, Adolphus Heinberry, Walter Scott, William Luckett, C J Gresham, Cootney chamption, J Y Mize & O W Patterson
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that B W Smith is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown that he was born in Ky, and resides in Eddyville and is 62 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns _______ no estate of any kind; and said B W Smith is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] Willard Luckett
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said B W Smith is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ______ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 209
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 62 years
(b) Occupation - minister
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - temperate
(e) Educated - moderately
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known, unless from epilepsy to which he is subject
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - no
(c) Subject to fits. Yes How long – 2 years
From what cause – not known
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - no
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 26th 1908
COMMONWEALTH Present Hon. W L Crumbaugh Judge
B W Smith ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that B W Smith is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That M P Molloy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: John Town, W P Glenn, T N Cockrill, Stie Hall, Harvey Satterfield, Adolphus Heinberry, Walter Scott, William Luckett, C J Gresham, Cootney chamption, J Y Mize & O W Patterson
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that B W Smith is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown that he was born in Ky, and resides in Eddyville and is 62 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns _______ no estate of any kind; and said B W Smith is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] Willard Luckett
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said B W Smith is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ______ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 209
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 62 years
(b) Occupation - minister
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - temperate
(e) Educated - moderately
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known, unless from epilepsy to which he is subject
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - no
(c) Subject to fits. Yes How long – 2 years
From what cause – not known
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - no
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
Thursday, February 19, 2009
JOHN ISABELL - Pages 208-209 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 208
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Oct 19 1907
John Isabell ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that John Isabell is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W T Glass, W L Gresham, Bud Freeman, Henry McCarty, J W Devil, Bart Gray, Andrew Jackson, John Walker, Jim Salyer, Dave Scott, C M Salyer & Jeff Wells
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that John Isabell is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown that he was born in Ky, and resides in Eddyville and is 78 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns _______ no estate of any kind; and said Isabell is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] W ? Gaines
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said John Isabell is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Court
Page 209
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 78 years
(b) Occupation - covict
(c) Married or Single -
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack - recently
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause - senility
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Oct 19 1907
John Isabell ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that John Isabell is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W T Glass, W L Gresham, Bud Freeman, Henry McCarty, J W Devil, Bart Gray, Andrew Jackson, John Walker, Jim Salyer, Dave Scott, C M Salyer & Jeff Wells
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that John Isabell is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown that he was born in Ky, and resides in Eddyville and is 78 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns _______ no estate of any kind; and said Isabell is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] W ? Gaines
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said John Isabell is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Court
Page 209
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 78 years
(b) Occupation - covict
(c) Married or Single -
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack - recently
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause - senility
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
DAN WEBB - Pages 206-207 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 206
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Oct 19 1907
Dan Webb ] Lunatic
This day Walter L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Dan Webb is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
Walter L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W ? Glass, W L Gresham, Bud Freeman, Henry McCarty, J W Krone, Bart Gray, Andrew Jackson, John Walker, Jim Salyers, Dave Scott, C M Salyers & Jeff Wells
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Dan Webb is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind fron cause unknown that he was born in ________, and resides in Eddyville Ky and is 27 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns _______ no estate of any kind; and said Dan Webb is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] W ? Gaines
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Dan Webb is of unsound mind and a ______ lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 207
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 27 years
(b) Occupation - convict
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated -
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – 3 or 4 months ago
(b) How exhibited - violence
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – wormy and masturbation
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others -
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Oct 19 1907
Dan Webb ] Lunatic
This day Walter L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Dan Webb is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
Walter L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W ? Glass, W L Gresham, Bud Freeman, Henry McCarty, J W Krone, Bart Gray, Andrew Jackson, John Walker, Jim Salyers, Dave Scott, C M Salyers & Jeff Wells
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Dan Webb is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind fron cause unknown that he was born in ________, and resides in Eddyville Ky and is 27 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns _______ no estate of any kind; and said Dan Webb is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] W ? Gaines
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Dan Webb is of unsound mind and a ______ lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 207
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 27 years
(b) Occupation - convict
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated -
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – 3 or 4 months ago
(b) How exhibited - violence
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – wormy and masturbation
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others -
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Sunday, February 15, 2009
ORPHA McCOY - Pages 204-205 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 204
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 17 1907
Vs Present Hon. W L Crumbaugh
Mrs. Orpha McCoy ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon Co Court:
I am reliably informed that Orpha McCoy is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That John D Lester Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: O C Catlett, B ? Smith, ? D??, Tho. Gray, ?? Galusha, C J Grehsam, M ? And??, Alfred Oliver, ?? Gray, John ??, W Bozarth & J W Gresham
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mrs Orpha McCoy is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cauase unknown that she was born in Lyon Co, and resides in Lyon Co and is 32 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that ___ owns _______ no estate of any kind; that her father is alive and mother dead and reside in ________ and he not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said lunatic is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] O C Catlett
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mrs Orpha McCoy is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Co Court
Page 205
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 32 years
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - yes
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack – about 1 year ago
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - guarded
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 17 1907
Vs Present Hon. W L Crumbaugh
Mrs. Orpha McCoy ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon Co Court:
I am reliably informed that Orpha McCoy is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That John D Lester Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: O C Catlett, B ? Smith, ? D??, Tho. Gray, ?? Galusha, C J Grehsam, M ? And??, Alfred Oliver, ?? Gray, John ??, W Bozarth & J W Gresham
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mrs Orpha McCoy is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cauase unknown that she was born in Lyon Co, and resides in Lyon Co and is 32 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that ___ owns _______ no estate of any kind; that her father is alive and mother dead and reside in ________ and he not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said lunatic is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] O C Catlett
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mrs Orpha McCoy is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Co Court
Page 205
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 32 years
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - yes
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack – about 1 year ago
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - guarded
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Friday, February 13, 2009
CHARLIE HARRIS - Pages 202-203 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 202
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 15th 1907
COMMONWEALTH Present Hon W L Crumbaugh Judge
Charlie Harris ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon Lyon [sic] Court:
I am reliably informed that Charlie Harris (col) is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That John D Lester Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: S R Glenn, J W Gresham, B F Smith, Young Smith, W L Moneymaker, Bob Hawley, Joe Timmons, L ? Cummins, John Bozarth, E L Holland, C E Ste4wart & Chisley Kelly
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Charlie Harris is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cauase unknown that he was born in ______, and resides in Eddyville Ky and is 40 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that ____ father is _____ and mother ______ and reside in _____ and not estate ______ sufficient to support the person under trial; and said lunatic is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] Seldon R Glenn
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Charlie Harris is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Co Court
Page 203
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age - 40
(b) Occupation - convict
(c) Married or Single -
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – one month
(b) How exhibited – talks all time
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed – lock him up in cell
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 15th 1907
COMMONWEALTH Present Hon W L Crumbaugh Judge
Charlie Harris ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon Lyon [sic] Court:
I am reliably informed that Charlie Harris (col) is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That John D Lester Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: S R Glenn, J W Gresham, B F Smith, Young Smith, W L Moneymaker, Bob Hawley, Joe Timmons, L ? Cummins, John Bozarth, E L Holland, C E Ste4wart & Chisley Kelly
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Charlie Harris is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cauase unknown that he was born in ______, and resides in Eddyville Ky and is 40 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that ____ father is _____ and mother ______ and reside in _____ and not estate ______ sufficient to support the person under trial; and said lunatic is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] Seldon R Glenn
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Charlie Harris is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Co Court
Page 203
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age - 40
(b) Occupation - convict
(c) Married or Single -
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – one month
(b) How exhibited – talks all time
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed – lock him up in cell
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
MACH BEVERLY - Pages 200-201 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 200
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court April 27 1907
Mach Beverly ] Lunatic
This day John D Lester Protem, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Mach Beverly is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
J D Lester Protem Acting County Attorney Protem
Ordered by the Court, That John L Smith Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W G Grimes, R? Lady, C N Williamson, Sam Cotton, H E Thomas?, J H Ramey, U F Cannon, W L Collins, Jim Moneymaker, A A Rainey, W H MC??ty & D F Doom
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mach Beverly is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind _______ that he was born in ______, and resides in Eddyville Ky and is 50 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; and said Mach Beverly is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] W G Grimes
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mach Beverly is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey ____ to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 201
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 50 yrs
(b) Occupation – Convict in penitentiary
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – about 3 weeks ago
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court April 27 1907
Mach Beverly ] Lunatic
This day John D Lester Protem, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Mach Beverly is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
J D Lester Protem Acting County Attorney Protem
Ordered by the Court, That John L Smith Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W G Grimes, R? Lady, C N Williamson, Sam Cotton, H E Thomas?, J H Ramey, U F Cannon, W L Collins, Jim Moneymaker, A A Rainey, W H MC??ty & D F Doom
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mach Beverly is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind _______ that he was born in ______, and resides in Eddyville Ky and is 50 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; and said Mach Beverly is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] W G Grimes
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mach Beverly is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _____is appointed to convey ____ to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 201
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 50 yrs
(b) Occupation – Convict in penitentiary
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – about 3 weeks ago
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
GEORGIA ANN BARNETT - Pages 198-199 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 198
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court April 24 1907
Georgia Ann Barnett ] Lunatic
This day J D Lester Protem, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Georgia Ann Barnett is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
J D Lester Protem County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Tom Hollowell, W T Gainey, G C Crumbaugh, Will Wood, J M M?At??, S R T??, J W McMullen, W P Molloy, Toby Hopper, Henry Hooks?, Sam West & J W Gresham
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Georgia Ann Barnett is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind ________ that she was born in Lyon Co Ky, and resides in Lyon Co and is 66 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns a life estate in 60 acres of land; that her father and mother are dead [sic] sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Barnett is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] J W McMullen
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Georgia Ann Barnett is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that ____ be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _______is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 199
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 66 years old
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - widow
(d) Habits - Temperate
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - Probably
3.(a) Date of first attack – 6 years ago
(b) How exhibited – Thinks someone wants to kill her
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – stated above
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - no
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
9. Was committed to asylum April 20, 1901.
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court April 24 1907
Georgia Ann Barnett ] Lunatic
This day J D Lester Protem, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Georgia Ann Barnett is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
J D Lester Protem County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Tom Hollowell, W T Gainey, G C Crumbaugh, Will Wood, J M M?At??, S R T??, J W McMullen, W P Molloy, Toby Hopper, Henry Hooks?, Sam West & J W Gresham
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Georgia Ann Barnett is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind ________ that she was born in Lyon Co Ky, and resides in Lyon Co and is 66 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns a life estate in 60 acres of land; that her father and mother are dead [sic] sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Barnett is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] J W McMullen
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Georgia Ann Barnett is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that ____ be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _______is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 199
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 66 years old
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - widow
(d) Habits - Temperate
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - Probably
3.(a) Date of first attack – 6 years ago
(b) How exhibited – Thinks someone wants to kill her
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – stated above
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - no
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
9. Was committed to asylum April 20, 1901.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
BOB CRUMP - Pages 196-197 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 196
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Feby 5th 1907
Bob Crump ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Bob Crump is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That W B Williams Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Charles Barnett, Bob Barrett, W L Moneymaker, H H Cassidy, H C Dunn?, Ellis Robertson, Lorenzo? Robertson, Lee Timmons, J H Thompson, Jesse Kelley, Robert Barrett & John Fox
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Bob Crump is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown that he was born in Trigg County, and resides in Lyn County and is 52 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; and said Bob Crump is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] H H Casidy?
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Bob Crump is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _______is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: _____________ Judge _________ Court
Page 197
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age - 52
(b) Occupation - laborer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack - 1885
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Feby 5th 1907
Bob Crump ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Bob Crump is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That W B Williams Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Charles Barnett, Bob Barrett, W L Moneymaker, H H Cassidy, H C Dunn?, Ellis Robertson, Lorenzo? Robertson, Lee Timmons, J H Thompson, Jesse Kelley, Robert Barrett & John Fox
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Bob Crump is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown that he was born in Trigg County, and resides in Lyn County and is 52 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; and said Bob Crump is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] H H Casidy?
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Bob Crump is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _______is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: _____________ Judge _________ Court
Page 197
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age - 52
(b) Occupation - laborer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack - 1885
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
Friday, February 6, 2009
BOB CRUMP - Pages 194-195 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 194
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Feby 5th 1907
Bob Crump ] Lunatic
This day W L Crone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Bob Crump is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That M C Nelson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: C Armstrong, B P Patterson, Harmon Doom, W P Beck, I T Hollowell, W L Collins, John Collins, George Hill, Tom Moran, W K Fui?, J C Moran & Tom Jenkins
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Bob Crump is a person of sound mind and not a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
C Armstrong
The court having heard the evidence and having information of the condition of the mental condition of the person under trial formore than one year is of opinion that the verdict is not sustained by the evidence wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said verdict be set aside and a new inquest is awarded.
[the following information was left not filled in]
is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that ______ be immediately conveyed to the asylum at __________ Kentucky, and _______is appointed to convey ____ to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 195
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – about 50 years
(b) Occupation - laborer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - no
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Feby 5th 1907
Bob Crump ] Lunatic
This day W L Crone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Bob Crump is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That M C Nelson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: C Armstrong, B P Patterson, Harmon Doom, W P Beck, I T Hollowell, W L Collins, John Collins, George Hill, Tom Moran, W K Fui?, J C Moran & Tom Jenkins
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Bob Crump is a person of sound mind and not a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
C Armstrong
The court having heard the evidence and having information of the condition of the mental condition of the person under trial formore than one year is of opinion that the verdict is not sustained by the evidence wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said verdict be set aside and a new inquest is awarded.
[the following information was left not filled in]
is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that ______ be immediately conveyed to the asylum at __________ Kentucky, and _______is appointed to convey ____ to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 195
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – about 50 years
(b) Occupation - laborer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - no
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
TENNIE POWERS - Pages 192-193 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 192
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Sept 5th 1906
Mrs. Tennie Powers ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Mrs. Tennie Powers is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That N W Utley Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: C S Glenn, Tom Bo??, B F Smith, J B Smith, J W Gresham, I T Hollowell, T H Callahan, Harvey Smith, C H Crou??, T U Braswell, ?ufe Glass & Harry Mc?ee
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mrs. Tennie Powers is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from an unknown cause that she was born in _____, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 40 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; and said Mrs. Tennie Powers is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] T U Braswell
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mrs. Tennie Powers is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _______is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Court
Page 193
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – about 40 years
(b) Occupation - housekeeper
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – about 7 weeks ago
(b) How exhibited – Thinks she is in danger of bodily harm
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – ill health
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - yes
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used – attended by physician
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Sept 5th 1906
Mrs. Tennie Powers ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Mrs. Tennie Powers is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That N W Utley Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: C S Glenn, Tom Bo??, B F Smith, J B Smith, J W Gresham, I T Hollowell, T H Callahan, Harvey Smith, C H Crou??, T U Braswell, ?ufe Glass & Harry Mc?ee
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mrs. Tennie Powers is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from an unknown cause that she was born in _____, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 40 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; and said Mrs. Tennie Powers is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] T U Braswell
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mrs. Tennie Powers is of unsound mind and a _____ lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and _______is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Court
Page 193
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – about 40 years
(b) Occupation - housekeeper
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – about 7 weeks ago
(b) How exhibited – Thinks she is in danger of bodily harm
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – ill health
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - yes
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used – attended by physician
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
ELLEN COBB - Pages 190-191 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 190
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Aug 29th 1906
Mrs Ellen Cobb ] Lunatic Present Hon W L Crumbaugh Judge
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Mrs Ellen Cobb is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: T B Williams, J D Woodson, George Hill, W H McKee, Will Woods, Bob Dunn, J D Chambers, John Conly, W L Collins, W F Edmonds, I C Gray & C J Gresham
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mrs Ellen Cobb is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind __________ that she was born in _____, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 75 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; trial; [sic] and said Mrs Ellen Cobb is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] D W Woodson
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mrs Ellen Cobb is of unsound mind and a harmless lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Callowayis appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Co Court
Page 191
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 75 years
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated -
2.(a) What relations have been insane – an uncle
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited – thinks she can’t walk
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – growing worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - fall
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - no
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Aug 29th 1906
Mrs Ellen Cobb ] Lunatic Present Hon W L Crumbaugh Judge
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Mrs Ellen Cobb is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: T B Williams, J D Woodson, George Hill, W H McKee, Will Woods, Bob Dunn, J D Chambers, John Conly, W L Collins, W F Edmonds, I C Gray & C J Gresham
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mrs Ellen Cobb is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind __________ that she was born in _____, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 75 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; trial; [sic] and said Mrs Ellen Cobb is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] D W Woodson
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mrs Ellen Cobb is of unsound mind and a harmless lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Callowayis appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Co Court
Page 191
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 75 years
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated -
2.(a) What relations have been insane – an uncle
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited – thinks she can’t walk
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – growing worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - fall
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - no
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none
Monday, February 2, 2009
A F CHAMPION - Pages 188-189 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 188
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Aug 13th 1906
A F Champion ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that A F Champion is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That T H Molloy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W Robertson, Simon Oliver, T F Nickell, B Ladd, W P Molloy, M E Robertson, Urey Gresham, Urey Browning, John Fitts, Will Pearce, Newt Dobbins & Hewlett Ramey
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that A F Champion is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind __________ that he was born in Tenn, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 34 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother are dead sufficient [sic] to support the person under trial; and said lunatic is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] W P Molloy
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said A F Champion is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 189
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age - 34
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - good
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane – one or two
3.(a) Date of first attack – Dec -1905
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – thinks friends have turned against him
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide – “
(b) Violence toward others – “
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - guraded
(b) Treatment used – attended by Dr Robertson
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - no
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Aug 13th 1906
A F Champion ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that A F Champion is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
W L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That T H Molloy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W Robertson, Simon Oliver, T F Nickell, B Ladd, W P Molloy, M E Robertson, Urey Gresham, Urey Browning, John Fitts, Will Pearce, Newt Dobbins & Hewlett Ramey
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that A F Champion is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind __________ that he was born in Tenn, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 34 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother are dead sufficient [sic] to support the person under trial; and said lunatic is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] W P Molloy
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said A F Champion is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 189
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age - 34
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - good
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane – one or two
3.(a) Date of first attack – Dec -1905
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – thinks friends have turned against him
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide – “
(b) Violence toward others – “
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - guraded
(b) Treatment used – attended by Dr Robertson
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - no
Sunday, February 1, 2009
JEFF EISON - Pages 186-187 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book
Page 186
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Feby 13th 1906?
Jeff Eison ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Jeff Eison is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
Walter L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That John D Lester Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W L Collins, W B Milne, ? M McKinney, H L Coleman, Finus Davis, Jim Boyd, De??is Smith, Tom Gray, L A Gray, J E Gresham, W H Gray & H ? L??
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Jeff Eison is a person of unsound mind and a [unreadable]; that the unsoundness of mind _______ that he was born in Caldwell Co, and resides in Lon Co and is 43 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother reside in Lyon Co and have not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Jeff Eison is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] [name unreadable]
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Jeff Eison is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Sam G Cashis appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed [unreadable] guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 187
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 43 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single – [unreadable]
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane – [unreadable]
3.(a) Date of first attack – five years ago
(b) How exhibited – [unreadable] about over County
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others – yes; assaulted …[unreadable]
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head -
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Feby 13th 1906?
Jeff Eison ] Lunatic
This day W L Krone, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:
To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Jeff Eison is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.
Walter L Krone County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That John D Lester Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.
To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W L Collins, W B Milne, ? M McKinney, H L Coleman, Finus Davis, Jim Boyd, De??is Smith, Tom Gray, L A Gray, J E Gresham, W H Gray & H ? L??
who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Jeff Eison is a person of unsound mind and a [unreadable]; that the unsoundness of mind _______ that he was born in Caldwell Co, and resides in Lon Co and is 43 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother reside in Lyon Co and have not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Jeff Eison is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] [name unreadable]
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Jeff Eison is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Sam G Cashis appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed [unreadable] guard.
Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
Page 187
Brief History of Case
1.(a) Age – 43 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single – [unreadable]
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane – [unreadable]
3.(a) Date of first attack – five years ago
(b) How exhibited – [unreadable] about over County
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others – yes; assaulted …[unreadable]
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head -
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