Sunday, July 14, 2013

If you want a copy of one of the miscellaneous records, let me know

It's a month and a half since I posted a page specific index of the miscellaneous records found at the end of the Lyon County Insanity Records microfilm.  I haven't had any comments or feedback, so I'm going to discontinue doing those.  The first post on those records gave an index of the contents of those records.  If anyone wants a specific page, I have them all scanned and will be happy to send the specific page to you.  I've enjoyed my summer off, but school starts July 29th for me.....  I'll post other things on my blog as I run across something interesting.  I've created a Pinterest page of genealogy links that is increasing daily:  It was created for the group I lead, monthly, at the Tennessee Genealogical Society.  I'm working on a cross stitch family tree (which is taking a really, really long time).  It has been 40 years since I did a cross stitch project.  After I finish this one, it will be, at least, another 40 years!!  Wow, it's a tedious project.  I think I rip out more stitches than I put in!  You'd think a math major could count little squares more accurately!

Our newest grandchild is due in November.  The other 5 grand kids live in Missouri.  Have a great summer!