A continuation to the miscellaneous records found at the end of the Lyon County Kentucky Lunatic Record microfilm. The link to pages 130-139 is: http://bit.ly/Zj75I0
The names and companies listed on these pages are:
Page 130-131 Limited Power of Attorney; Names and Companies listed: American Surety Company of New York, M. P. Molloy, John Jones, W. Pratt Dale, L.(?) P. McGee, W. H. Bennem, (also a notary public: A. E. Hellerhump???).
Page 132-133 Power of Attorney; Names and Companies listed: Maryland Casualty Company, James H. Stone, Terry T. Hanberry, E. E. Kolb, Edwin C. Trelan, W. H. Rogers
Page 134-135 Limited Power of Attorney; Names and Companies listed: American Surety Company of New York, M. P. Malloy, M. T. Smith, W. Pratt Dale, L.. P.McGee, W. H. Bennem, A. E. Hellerhump, W. H.Rogers
Page 136 Power of Attorney; Names and Companies listed: First National Bank of the City of Princeton, W. H. Rogers, George W. Holland, Edward Garrett, M. P. Pool.
Page 137 Power of Attorney; Names and Companies listed: Liza Fuqua, W. H. Rogers, T. J. Rogers, Mrs. M. A. Rogers, May Skelton, Joan Rogers(?).
Page 138-139 Power of Attorney; Names and Companies listed: United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, N. W. Utley, N. G. Martin, Wm. M. Pegram,Alexander Paysan Knupp, A. D. Patrick, W. H. Rogers