Monday, March 11, 2013

Miscellaneous Documents Pages 122-129

Continuation of the Miscellaneous Pages found at the end of the Lyon County Kentucky Insanity Records Microfilm.  You can view the next scanned documents here:

Names and companies listed on these pages are:

Page 121-122 Deed of Release; Names and companies listed: Commonwealth Life Insurance Company, Effiee M. Gray, Nathan Oliver Gray, Charles Anderson, A. J. Cananto(?), Sarah Quinn, Miss Kathleen Quinn, Eliza B. McKee, P. Waldridge, Helen Blend, W. H. Rogers.
Page 123-124 Contract for purchase; Names and companies listed: Burroughs Adding Machine Company, P. H. Watkins, Mike(?) F. Summer (or Tanner?), W. H. Rogers.
Page 125 Deed of Release;  Names and companies listed: Commonwealth Life Insurance Company, Beulah Herring, Dycus & Bradshaw's Corner, M. P. Malloy, Amanda Krone(?), J. D. Power, Helen Blend, W. H. Rogers.
Page 126-127  Limited Power of Attorney;  Names and companies listed: American Surety Company of New York, M. P. Malloy, Tilford A. Braswell, W. Pratt Dale, L. P. McGee. W. H. Bennano?, A. E. Hallenkamp, W. H. Rogers
Page 128  Power of Attorney;  Names and companies listed: S. M. Williamson & Company, Inc., C. C. Malloy, R. B. Goodwin, R. M. Goodwin, M. Eugene Clark, W. H. Rogers.
Page 129 Bill of Sale;  Names and companies listed: Ozark Cooperate & Lumber Company, Kuttawa Commercial Club,  Hillman Land & Iron Company, E. H. Simmons, G. W. Simmons, John ? Muldoon, W. H. Rogers

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Miscellaneous Documents Pages 110-121

Continued posting of Miscellaneous pages from the end of Lyon County Kentucky Insanity Records microfilm.  The following is an index of the names that appear on pages 110-121.  You can view the scanned pages here:

Page 110 Power of attorney; Names and companies listed:  Martons Bank & Trust Company, N. W. Wieth(?), W. M. Marshall, G. T. Bell, Edna E. Morgan, W. H. Rogers
Page 111, 112, 113   Purchase contract;  Names and companies listed:  Detroit Automatic Scale Company, Scillian, Oliver & Co., J(?). A. Peck, A. J. Bridgers, Yewell Haskins, W. H. Rogers
Page 114  Power of Attorney; Names and companies listed:  First National Bank, W. H. Rogers, W. H. Glenn, Edward Garrett, B. C. Orange
Page 115  Power of Attorney;  Names and companies listed:  Farmers National Bank, W. H. Rogers, W. H. Glenn(?), John R. Wylie, B. C. Orange, W. H. Rogers,
Page 116  Power of Attorney, Names and companies listed:  McLinn(?) Brothers, W. H. Rogers, W. H. Glenn, W. P. McLinn(?), B. C. Orange, W. H. Rogers
Page 117  Power of Attorney;  Names and companies listed:  R. U. Kivil & sons, W. H. Rogers, W. H. Glenn, R. H. Kivil, B. C. Orange, W. H. Rogers
Page 118  Power of Attorney;  Names and companies listed:  M. J. Bates, Barney Davis, J. D. Pruitt, L(?). C. Lisman(?), B. C. Orange, Mrs. M. J. Bates, W. H. Rogers
Page 119-120   Power of Attorney;  Names and companies listed:  Maryland Casualty Company, James H. Stone, Edwin C Gulan(?), W. H. Rogers