Wednesday, December 31, 2008

ALBERT REDD - Pages 142-143 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 142
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court July 14th 1902
Albert Redd ] Lunatic

This day John D Lester, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Albert Redd is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

John D Lester County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: T A Braswell, J N Coleman, T H Molloy, Berry Wolf, W T Williamson, J H Catlett, T C Gray, Grant Bince?, Waymond Litchfield, John Bozarth, Jesse Oliver & R S Landis

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Albert Redd is a person of sound mind.
That his mind is weak by reason of old age being 90 years or more of age.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] T H Molloy

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Albert Redd is of sound mind and not a lunatic and that he be immediately discharged.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 143

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age -
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - temperate
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause -
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – Blows a “Trombone”
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - none
(b) Violence toward others - none
6.Periodic frenzy - no
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

SARAH K. WALKER - Pages 140-141 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 140
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 18 1901
Sarah K Walker ] Lunatic

This day Bartley Skinner, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Sarah K Walker is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Bartley Skinner County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That T J Nall Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: G P Lady, C J Black, A J C???t, L E ??, A A???, Baldwin E Whittington, Jasper ??ll, C S Robertson, E H Mays, J A Simpson, Will Jon? & G M K??

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Sarah K Walker is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind ¬¬¬¬¬¬_______ that she was born in Lyon Co Ky, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 33 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; that her father and mother reside in Lyon Co Ky and they have not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Sarah K Walker is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] A J C??nt

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Sarah K Walker is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and A Walker is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed ___ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 141

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 33 years
(b) Occupation – farmers daughter
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - ??
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – six or seven years ago
(b) How exhibited – has epileptic fits
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - epilepsy
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - yes
(c) Subject to fits. Yes How long - ?8 years
From what cause – not known
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - yes
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - guarded
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - none

Monday, December 29, 2008

WM BOWERS - Pages 136-139 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Pages 136 and 137 were left as empty forms.

Page 138
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Sept 24 1900
Wm Bowers ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Wm Bowers is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon Co
Ordered by the Court, That T J Watkins Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W L Washington, S G Yates, Leven Johns, John Jones, J M Holland, W T Chandler, J C Terrell, Miles Hawkins, W H Hughey, Bill Ennis, J M Coleman & Lloyd Wadlington

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Wm Bowens is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind ______ that he was born in Tenn, and resides in Lyon Co and is 85 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that father and mother are dead and said Wm Bowers is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] J R Jones

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Wm Bowers is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and A K Boughteris appointed to convey to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 139

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 85 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - temperate
(e) Educated - uneducated
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack – 12 months ago
(b) How exhibited – talks at random – imagines someone after him at night
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - none
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – thinks someone seeks to do him bodily harm
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper – high tempered
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others – threatened his wife today with knife & other weapons
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - watched
(b) Treatment used – treated by physician – Dr Ed Wifford
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none

Saturday, December 27, 2008

JOHN M GRAY - Pages 134-135 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 134
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court March 5th 1908
John M Gray ] Lunatic

This day J Walton, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that John M Gray is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

J Walton County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Alfrred Oliver, John Doom, ? N Cochrill, D M Smith, John Bozart, J M Stone, T A Braswell, A L Farless, Eure Warfield, Ed Lawrence, W P Glass & J W ??

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that John M Gray is a person of sound mind and not a lunatic;

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] ? M Smith

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said John M Gray is of sound mind and not a lunatic.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 135

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 58
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - vicuiys
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - cousin
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited - drunk
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – excessive drinking
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide -
(b) Violence toward others -
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -

Monday, December 22, 2008

M F DUNN - Pages 132-133 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 132
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Mch 3rd 1908
COMMONWEALTH ?ent? Hon W L Crumbaugh Judge
M F Dunn ] Lunatic

This day W L ?ione, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon Lyon [sic] Court:
I am reliably informed that M F Dunn is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Wilton ?ione County Attorney County Attorney
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W L Collins, J B Smith?, G ? Crumbaugh, D M Levitt?, W D ?, W S Scott, M ? Molloy, W P Molloy, W B Malone?, Willard Luckett, Henry? M?is & Henry Banister

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that M F Dunn is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from blow on head that he was born in Lyon Co Ky, and resides in Eddy ??? and is [unreadable] years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind and said M F Dunn is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] W P Molloy

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said M F Dunn is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and R M Dunnis appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 133

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – [unreadable]
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - temperate
(e) Educated - moderately
2.(a) What relations have been insane – Bro. now in asylum
3.(a) Date of first attack – about 13 years ago
(b) How exhibited – has fitts [sic]
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – blow on head
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. Yes How long – 13 years
From what cause – blow on head
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head - yes

Saturday, December 20, 2008

CHERRY F. DUNN - Pages 130-131 Lyon County KY Lunatice Inquest Book

Page 130
Regular Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Feby 24th 1902
Cherry F Dunn ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Cherry F Dunn is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That John D Lester Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W B Bridges, Thos helton, W Luckett, J B Rogers, T C Gray, Waymon Litchfield, Lee Ladd, Ed Gray, Robt Dobbins, S G Cash, G A Cobb & John T Opie

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Cherry F Dunn is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind from cause unknown to jury that he was born in Ky, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 40 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother are dead and said Cherry F Dunn is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] Jno T Opie

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Cherry F Dunn is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and John L Sweet?is appointed to convey ___ to said asylum and he is allowed ___guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 131

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 40 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - temperate
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – about […unreadable…]
(b) How exhibited – talking at random
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - no
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide – Threatened to take poisen
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used – Treated by Dr [……ing[
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - no

Friday, December 19, 2008

JAS. W. TOWNS - Pages 128-129 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 128
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 4 1901
Jas W Towns ] Lunatic

This day W W Martin Protem, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Jas W Towns is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

W W Martin Protem County Attorney Protem
Ordered by the Court, That J F Mercy Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W A Smith, T G Braswell, W F Gaines, L A Gray, J W Clark, J L Oliver, G W Stone, C S Glenn, J A Henson, J P Litchfield, J H Catlett & T J Baldwin

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Jas W Towns is a person of unsound mind and a violent lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown to jury that he was born in Kentucky, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 59 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother are dead and said Jas W Towns is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] John W Clark

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Jas W Towns is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and A K Boughter is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 129

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – about 59 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - Married
(d) Habits – sober & good
(e) Educated - Limited
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – about 15 years ago
(b) How exhibited – Talks all sort of foolishness
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse for last eight weeks
4.(a) Supposed cause - unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – Imagines he can see fire &c &c
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - yes
5.(a) Attempt at suicide – not lately
(b) Violence toward others – yes. Attempted to kill wife today
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed – have to use force
(b) Treatment used – none lately
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - no

Thursday, December 18, 2008

THOS PEEK - Pages 126-127 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 126
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court May 31 1901
Thos Peek ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Thos Peek is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon
Ordered by the Court, That F A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: James Boyd, Coy Davis, J N East, J F Mersy, Fletcher Harrison, W S Castleberry, H Ramey, J P Lady, J F Fitts, W M Bowman, Willard Lickett & S R Glenn

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Thos Peek is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown that he was born in Ky, and resides in Lyon Co and is 78 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother are dead and said Thos Peek is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] C W Harris

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Thos Peek is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Herbert J Boughteris appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 127

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 78 years about
(b) Occupation – has been a farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits -
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - sister
3.(a) Date of first attack – 10 years ago
(b) How exhibited – says he has been swindled out of his property
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - paralysis
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - violent
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - no
(b) Treatment used – Dr Philips treated him about year ago
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head - none

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

DAVID HAMMOND - Pages 124-125 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

[There are large X’s through all the information below, and nothing else is filled in.]

Page 124
May Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT Lyon Circuit Court
Lyon County Court May 8th, 1900
David Hammond ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. Thomas P Cook, Judge of the Lyon Circuit Court:
I am reliably informed that David Hammond is a person of unsound mind, and a idiot and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That _____Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: _______________

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

GEORGIA ANN BARNETT - Pages 122-123 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 122
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court April 20 1901
Georgia Ann Barnett ] Lunatic

This day N W Utley Protem, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Georgia Ann Barnett is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

N W Utley County Attorney Protem Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That W W Martin Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: James Tally, John W Bogart?, A S J Lady, H? Lipton?, C S Glenn, W P Hawkins, T C Warfield, Jas A Kevil, Thos Helton, I G Hopper, Jonas?? Williams & G P Lady

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Georgia Ann Barnett is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind ______ that she was born in Lyon Co, and resides in Lyon Co and is 60 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns a life estate in 60 acres land; that her father is is dead and mother is dead sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Barnett is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Georgia Ann Barnett is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and J H Boughteris appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
J M Smith Clerk Co Court

Page 123

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 60 years
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - widow
(d) Habits - temperate
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane – mother probably
3.(a) Date of first attack – 6 weeks ago
(b) How exhibited – Thinks someone wants to kill her
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – stated above
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper – easy amiable
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - none
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none

Monday, December 15, 2008

B F WIGGINTON - Pages 120-121 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 120
August Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court August 25th 1900
B F Wigginton ] Lunatic

This day S C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. Thos P Cook, Judge of the Lyon Circuit Court:
I am reliably informed that B F Wigginton is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

S C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That N W Utten Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: John Fitts, Joseph Patterson, John Hall, Earl Dunning, J H Faughn, T H Grdin?, Thos Helton, H M Oliver, D J Travis, W B Hammond, W M Scott & S B Filteriberge

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that B F Wigginton is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is unknown to us that he was born in Montgomery Co Ky, and resides in Penitentiary Eddyville Ky and is 42 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is is dead and mother is not known and reside in _________ ; and said B F Wigginton is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] S B Feltingberger

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said B F Wigginton is of unsound mind and a lunatic lunatic [sic] and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and ________ is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard.

Attest: Thos P Cook Judge Lyon Circuit Court

Page 121

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 42 years
(b) Occupation - laborer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - good
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane – If any not known in fact nothing is known of his relations
3.(a) Date of first attack – about one month ago
(b) How exhibited - sickness
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – no except to gradually grow worse
4.(a) Supposed cause - unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - none
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - good
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - none
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy - no
7.(a) Restraint imposed – none except for safety of lunatic
(b) Treatment used – for general health only
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head – none known of

Sunday, December 14, 2008

JAMES P JONES - Pages 118-119 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

[Note from Debbie: The archivist who created the microfilm, placed several loose affidavits on top of pages 118 and 119 and photocopied them. Then they photocopied pages 118 and 119 as usual.]

Affidavit one placed on top of page 118:
This certifies that Jess Durham, a convict confined in the Ky Branch Penitentiary is irresponsibly insave, is in a dangerous(?) condition and that is our opinion it would be [unreadable], unsafe, and impracticable to bring him into court. This July 21st, 1909

Dr. J R Watkins
Dr. D J TTravis

Affidavit two placed on top of page 119:
Walter Baldwin says Edwin Jones saw Shelie(?) Bannister, Robt Bannister stop and make water below Glenn Chappel schoolhouse before some girls in Dec 1904.

Affidavit three placed across pages 118 and 119:
Filed in Court July-21-10
J M S??h, Clk

Page 118
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Aug 8th 1900
James P Jones ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that James P Jones is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That T J Watkins Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Manliff Tucker, T F Crift?, J H Catlett, Tom Crane, Cofold? Trinkle, J M McCollum, W E Crumbaugh, J H Compton, N W Kroue, Snford Kraue, Frank Gray & Helett Rucker

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that James P Jones is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind ___________ that he was born in NorthTown NJ, and resides in Lyon County Ky and is 55 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother are dead and said James P Jones is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said James P Jones is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and W M McCollum is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ______ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 119

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 55 years
(b) Occupation - laborer
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits – he has been quiet. Has not drunk for 7 or 8 years
(e) Educated – not much education
2.(a) What relations have been insane -
3.(a) Date of first attack – about 2 months
(b) How exhibited – He first started by talking of the idea that people were trying to kill him
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – he has grown worse constantly
4.(a) Supposed cause – Produced by sun stroke
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper – even tempered
5.(a) Attempt at suicide – not known of but talks about it often
(b) Violence toward others -
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - yes
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding - no
8. Injury about head - no

Friday, December 12, 2008

COLUMBUS JOLLY - Pages 116-117 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 116
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court June 18th 1900
Columbus Jolly ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Columbus Jolly is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That T J Watkins Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: J W Bell, J F Doyle, M F Dunn, Will S Scott, Tom Biny?, Ottie Hall, Harvey Jones, Fred Merry?, U G Bun?, Elias Mitchell, Seldon R Glenn & James Gatewood

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Columbus Jolly is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from cause unknown that he was born in Livingston Co Ky, and resides in Kuttawa Ky and is 35 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother are dead and said Columbus Jolly is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Columbus Jolly is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Brooks Brasher is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ______ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon Co. Court

Page 117

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – about 35 years
(b) Occupation - Laborer
(c) Married or Single - Single
(d) Habits - Temperate
(e) Educated - none
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack – about one week ago
(b) How exhibited – Roaming around at night
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – has grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – thinks someone wants to poison him
(c) Subject to fits. Don’t know How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper -
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - none
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed – watched & guarded
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -

Thursday, December 11, 2008

BENJ. F. TIMMONS - Pages 114-115 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 114
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court March 23, 1900
Benj. F Timmons ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Benj. F Timmons is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: T H Molloy, J S Johnson, John Hall, J W Kevil, Perry Calhoun, J H Catlett, W F James, Wm Robinson, John Opie, T A Braswell, John Brock & W E Calhoun

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Benj. F Timmons is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind was caused by low state of health and piles that he was born in Ky, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 51 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns 90 acres land worth about $200 dollars. $100 to $200 worth personal property; that his father is dead and mother is dead and said Benj. F Timmons is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Benj. F Timmons is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and J ? Veal is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ______ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 115

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 51 yrs
(b) Occupation - Farmer
(c) Married or Single - Married
(d) Habits - Temperate
(e) Educated - no
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack – about March 1894
(b) How exhibited – thinks he has enemies who seek to kill him or destroy his property
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – very little except more violent
4.(a) Supposed cause – bad health caused from piles
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – seems to think he has many enemies who seek to do him & his family viloence
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - excitable
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - yes
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head -

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

EDWARD THOMSON - Pages 112-113 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 112
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court March 16th 1900
Edward Thomson ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Edward Thomson is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That T J Watkins Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: F B Evins, G E Crumbaugh, G S Withers, J P Hogard, S S West, A J Wells, L A Gray, T C Warfield, O M Jenkins, Mose S Anderson, John T Opie & T H Molloy

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Edward Thomson is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind was caused by blow on head when quite young that he was born in Caldwell Co Ky, and resides in Kuttawa and is 25 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father and mother live and reside in Kuttawa Ky and they have not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Edward Thomson is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Edward Thomson is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and A K Boughter is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 113

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 25 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - Temperate
(e) Educated - yes
2.(a) What relations have been insane - none
3.(a) Date of first attack – five or six years ago
(b) How exhibited – silly actions
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – has become violent lately
4.(a) Supposed cause – blow on head with axe when quite young
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - Equitable
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head – see (4)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

JEFF GRAY - Pages 110-111 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 110
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court March 9th, 1900
Jeff Gray ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Jeff Gray is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That T J Watkins Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: W T Gain, J H Catlett, John Hall, George Champion, Will Castlebery, Ben Jones, James Clark, John Opie, T A Braswell, J N East, Wm Robertson & Y M Cash

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Jeff Gray is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind ______ that he was born in Ky, and resides in Lyon County and is 30 years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that his father is dead and mother dead and said Jeff Gray is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Jeff Gray is of unsound mind and a [word unreadable] lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and John T Opie is appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 111

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – 30 years
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single – widow
(d) Habits - Temperate
(e) Educated - ordinary
2.(a) What relations have been insane - Mother
3.(a) Date of first attack – about first of March 1900
(b) How exhibited – Talking at random
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – grown worse
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what - none
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - easy
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - none
(b) Violence toward others - somewhat
6.Periodic frenzy -
7.(a) Restraint imposed - none
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none

Monday, December 8, 2008

JEFF GRAY - Pages 108-109 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 108
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court March 5th 1900
Jeff Gray ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Jeff Gray is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That T J Watkins Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Thomas Arnold, John Hall, Dorris Scott, W H Martin, C W Davis, W T Lamb, J W Cling?, W R Timmons, T A Braswell, W B Bridges, J W Kevil & T H Molloy

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Jeff Gray is not a lunatic as charged but is laboring under a nervous excitement that he was born in Lyon Co Ky, and resides in Lyon Co Ky and is 30 years old; [the remainder of the standard paragraph is lined through. Underneath the lines, it says his parents are dead.].

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]
[foreman] T H Molloy

[none of the following paragraph is filled in]
wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said _________ is of unsound mind and a _________ and that _________ be immediately conveyed to the asylum at _________ Kentucky, and _________ is appointed to convey _________ to said asylum and he is allowed _________ guard.

Attest: _________ Judge _________ Court
_________ clerk _________ Court

Page 109

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 30
(b) Occupation - farmer
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - Temperate
(e) Educated - slightly
2.(a) What relations have been insane – Mother for a while
3.(a) Date of first attack – Three or four days ago
(b) How exhibited – Talking at random
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period -
4.(a) Supposed cause – not known
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what -
(c) Subject to fits. None How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - good
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - none
(b) Violence toward others - none
6.Periodic frenzy - none
7.(a) Restraint imposed -
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head - none

Sunday, December 7, 2008

MRS. FLORENCE CALHOUN - Pages 106-107 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 106
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Nov 18 1899
Mrs. Florence Calhoun ] Lunatic

This day N W Utley pro tem, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that Mrs. Florence Calhoun is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

N W Utley County Attorney pro tem for Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That E H James Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Thomas Helton, M E Bridges, S E Mitchell, Simon Oliver, thos Stephens, George Hall, Jas F Clay, O M Jenkins, S J Bigham, James Boyd, G E Crumbaugh & G E Fox

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Mrs. Florence Calhoun is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind is from unknown cause that she was born in Trigg County, and resides in Lyon and is 20 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; that her father is dead and mother lives and resides in Lyon Co Ky and has not estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said lunatic is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Mrs. Florence Calhoun is of unsound mind and a violent lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and W E Calhoun is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court
J M Smith Clerk Lyon Co Court

Page 107

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age – about 20 years
(b) Occupation -
(c) Married or Single - married
(d) Habits - Temperate
(e) Educated - limited
2.(a) What relations have been insane – Grand Mother hanged herself. Probably her mother
3.(a) Date of first attack – About one year ago – last August
(b) How exhibited – Troublesome & violent Tries to run off
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – has grown worse for 6 days
4.(a) Supposed cause – Not known – unless hereditary
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – Thinks she is about to be destroyed by fire or others
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - good
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - yes
(b) Violence toward others - yes
6.Periodic frenzy - yes
7.(a) Restraint imposed – guard her day and night
(b) Treatment used - physicians
(c) Bleeding -
8. Injury about head -

Saturday, December 6, 2008

OSCAR STALEY - Pages 104-105 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 104
August Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court Aug 28 1899
Oscar Staley ] Lunatic

This day S C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. Thos P Cook, Judge of the Lyon Circuit Court:
I am reliably informed that Oscar Staley is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

S C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That N W Utley Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Moses Davenport, W R Skillian, H C Cash?, J M Banister, G M Champian, J W Gregory, J F Clark, W M Bowman, R H Smith, W T Hubbard, T H Crain & D A Johnson

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Oscar Staley is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind Cause unknown that he was born in place unknown, and resides in Penitentiary at Eddyville Ky and is unknown years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that he owns no estate of any kind; that nothing is known of his parents and reside in penitentiary and has not estate of any kind known to us sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Oscar Staley is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.
W M Bowman foreman

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Oscar Staley is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and A K Boughteris appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed ____ guard.

Attest: Thos P Cook Judge Lyon Circuit Court

Page 105

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - unknown
(b) Occupation – Convict Penitentiary Eddyville Ky
(c) Married or Single – supposed to be single
(d) Habits – very good
(e) Educated – seems to be uneducated
2.(a) What relations have been insane – nothing known of his relations
3.(a) Date of first attack -
(b) How exhibited -
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - no
4.(a) Supposed cause – no cause assigned
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – seems to have no mind about any thing
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper – very good
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - no
(b) Violence toward others - no
6.Periodic frenzy – continuous from first
7.(a) Restraint imposed – confined in cell
(b) Treatment used -
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head – none known

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ANNA ATKINSON - Pages 102-103 Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 102
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court July 17th 1899
Anna Atkinson ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon Lyon [sic] Court:
I am reliably informed that Anna Atkinson is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County
Ordered by the Court, That Walter L Krone Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial. Anna Atkinson

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Hugh Smith, J B Krone, W B Bridges, G C Lester, S R Glass, Walter Robison, O C Catlett, W Luckett, W S Scott, Leonard Robison, J T Opie & M P Molloy

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that Anna Atkinson is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind was produced by unknown cause that she was born in Lyon Co Ky, and resides in Eddyville and is 46 years old; that she was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that she owns no estate of any kind; that her father is dead and mother alive? and resides in Eddyville Ky and has no estate sufficient to support the person under trial; and said Anna Atkinson is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for her support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said Anna Atkinson is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that she be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and Walter L Krone is appointed to convey her to said asylum and he is allowed _____ guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 103

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - 46
(b) Occupation – House Keeper
(c) Married or Single – Married, separated from her husband
(d) Habits - Temperate
(e) Educated - No
2.(a) What relations have been insane - No
3.(a) Date of first attack – About a year ago
(b) How exhibited - by wild talk – inability to sleep
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period – only in violence
4.(a) Supposed cause – unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – She is continually talking about seeing persons who have died
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper – High tempered all her life
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - No
(b) Violence toward others – No not specially – is never cross in the family
6.Periodic frenzy – more violent about every two wks
7.(a) Restraint imposed - None
(b) Treatment used - None
(c) Bleeding - No
8. Injury about head - No

Monday, December 1, 2008

J C WOODS - Lyon County KY Lunatic Inquest Book

Page 100
Special Term
State of Kentucky ] SCT State of Ky, Lyon Co
Lyon County Court July 3rd 1899
J C Woods ] Lunatic

This day Sam C Molloy, Attorney for the Commonwealth, filed an information as follows, to-wit:

To Hon. W L Crumbaugh, Judge of the Lyon County Court:
I am reliably informed that J C Woods is a person of unsound mind, and a lunatic and therefore ask that a jury be impaneled to pass upon the subject.

Sam C Molloy County Attorney Lyon County District
Ordered by the Court, That F A Wilson Esq, an Attorney of this Court, be and he is hereby appointed to defend for and on behalf of the person under trial.

To inquire, etc., comes a jury to-wit: Jas Boyd, R T Gray, J A Watkins, W B Bridges, A F Parks, W R Skillian, Thos Helton, Oscar Blick, William Luckett, T J Jenkins, W M Jenkins & D J Travis

who being duly impaneled and sworn according to law, after hearing the evidence, returned the following verdict, viz: We of the jury find from the evidence that J C Woods is a person of unsound mind and a lunatic; that the unsoundness of mind cause unknown that he was born in as he says in England, and resides in Penitentiary and is unknown years old; that he was not brought into this State for the purpose of becoming a charge upon the Commonwealth; that nothing is known of parents whether living or dead or as to estate of either and said J C Woods is not capable of laboring either in whole or in part for his support.

[signatures of jurors listed above with foreman listed]

wherefore it is adjudged by the Court that said J C Woods is of unsound mind and a lunatic and that he be immediately conveyed to the asylum at Hopkinsville Kentucky, and A K Boughteris appointed to convey him to said asylum and he is allowed one guard.

Attest: W L Crumbaugh Judge Lyon County Court

Page 101

Brief History of Case

1.(a) Age - unknown
(b) Occupation - unknown
(c) Married or Single - single
(d) Habits - unknown
(e) Educated - uneducated
2.(a) What relations have been insane – nothing known of relations
3.(a) Date of first attack – about two weeks ago
(b) How exhibited – violent and vicious
(c) Has it changed in character at any any former period - no
4.(a) Supposed cause – unknown
(b) Any peculiar illusions and what – concludes that he has been in late war
(c) Subject to fits. No How long -
From what cause -
(d) Natural Temper - unknown
5.(a) Attempt at suicide - none
(b) Violence toward others – yes disposed to be violent to others
6.Periodic frenzy - continuous
7.(a) Restraint imposed – yes confined in cell
(b) Treatment used - none
(c) Bleeding - none
8. Injury about head – if so unknown